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Provincial officials

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Q: Who could cause trouble by stirring up the local population against the US and coalition forces?
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If Fired who could cause trouble by stirring up the local population against the US and coalition forces?

Provincial officials

Does 'Rolihlahla' really mean stirring up trouble?

It means stirring up trouble or 'Pulling the branch off a tree'.

What is a sentence with stirring?

7If you can go an hour without stirring up trouble it will be a record for you

Is the coyote population in trouble?

No they are not in trouble

Should you stir up trouble?

Many people would say no. Stirring up trouble in any given situation only leads to more trouble, you could end up with a potentially serious situation.

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The questioner is referring to the term "KOCH lefl", literally "little cooking spoon". It's used to refer to a person who likes not so much to start trouble, but is in the habit of stirring things up by sticking his nose in where he has no business.

If a nation has half of the population out of work is it in trouble?

Yes if the population is of working age.

What is the sentence of the let the sleeping dogs lie?

The idiom "let sleeping dogs lie" means to avoid interfering in a situation that is currently stable, as doing so may cause trouble or disturbance. It advises against stirring up old problems or issues that are best left alone.

What can get you in trouble?

Anything can get you in trouble if it is against the law. for example if you steal you can get into trouble. Any unlawful act can lead you into trouble and the best way is to follow the law.

What should you do if your husband's mother and sister tell you that he is gay?

If you think there is any truth to this, you need to confront him. If you think your in-laws are just stirring up trouble, then ignore them.

What were the 3 alien acts?

1 was to lengthen the time it took to get citizenship , the other 2 are the president to have the right to jail or deport aliens whoo were suspected of stirring up trouble.

How an peer pressure get kids into trouble?

Peer pressure can lead kids into trouble when they feel pressured to engage in risky or inappropriate behavior in order to fit in with their peers. This could involve activities like experimenting with drugs, alcohol, or breaking rules to gain acceptance and approval from their peers. The fear of being excluded or ostracized by their friends can also push kids to make poor decisions that they wouldn't otherwise make.