

Who created Chinese writing?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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written Chinese is traced back to the Shang Dynasty about 1500BCE. The name is not known

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What do you call the Chinese writing form?

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"writing" in Chinese is "写(xiě) ".

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How did the Chinese writing start?

Chinese writing is believed to have originated over 3,000 years ago, evolving from pictograms and ideograms. The early system consisted of simple characters representing objects or ideas. These characters were later refined and standardized into the complex script used today.

If the Chinese invented printing - why are they not credited with the creation of an alphabet?

Because what the created was not alphabetic writing. It was pictographic writing. An alphabet represents sounds. Pictograms represent whole words or ideas.

What was writing in china called?

The chinese writing is called Hanzi.

What is the writing utensil called that is used for Chinese writing?

The traditional writing implement for Chinese characters is called a "mao bi" or hair brush in Chinese. Pronunciation is roughly "mao" rhyming with "how" and "bi" rhyming with "bee".

What is the official style of Chinese writing in china?

The official style of writing is simplified writing. :)