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His/her parents created Ladon the hundred headed dragon.!!!!!! That is like crzy obvious.

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What guarded Hera's golden apples?

Hera's golden apples grew in the Garde of Hesperides. Though the Hesperides were supposed to tend to the garden, the famed guardian of the golden apples is Ladon, the never-sleeping, hundred headed dragon.

Who was the mythological beast ladon?

Ladon was the onehundred headed dragon who gaurded the golden apples. Hercules had to get a golden apple for a labor but could not defeat Ladon in hand to hand combat. Hercules then went off and shot Ladon full of poisened arrows. Then hercules took an apple and completed his labor. Tis is one of the many storys about hercules vs. Ladon.

How do you pronounce the greek dragon's name Ladon?

Ladon is pronounced as "LAY-don" in English. The emphasis is on the first syllable.

Which mythical animal guarded the apples of hesperides?

The dragon Ladon.

What creature guards the golden apple tree in greek mythology?

Ladon the Dragon

Which constellation is repesented as the dragon set to guard the golden apples of the garden of hesperides?

Draco is thought to be Ladon the Hesperian Dragon.

Where does the myth of Draco the Dragon originate?

The Greeks named it Draco the dragon. In one of the more famous European myths, Draco represents Ladon, the dragon sometimes depicted with one hundred heads who guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides. The eleventh of the Twelve Labours of Heracles was to steal the golden apples.

Could you give me an example of a seven-headed dragon in medieval literature that is not in relation with the Bible?

In medieval literature, the seven-headed dragon called "The Dragon of Chaos" appears in the epic poem "The Faerie Queene" by Edmund Spenser. This dragon symbolizes the seven deadly sins and is defeated by the knight St. George, representing the virtues of holiness and faith.

When did ladon die?

He can't Ladon is immortal

In earth constellations what animal did Hercules kill?

In the traditional visualization of Hercules, he's kneeling with one "foot" on the "head" of Draco, who represents the dragon Ladon that guarded the garden of the Hesperides. In the myth Heracles killed Ladon to obtain the golden apples.

Who will destroy Ladon?

Some say Herakles killed Ladon, but some deny and say Ladon was killed by Titans Atlas.

Which constellation is represented as the dragon set to guard the golden apples of the Garden of Hesperides?

The constellation 'Draco'. 'Draco' in Latin means 'dragon'. In Greek myths, 'Draco' would have represented the dragon Ladon that guarded the garden of the Hesperides and the golden apples.