

Who created the new race of pure daleks?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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the scientist who was in the world war two episode although the daleks created him, in the show.

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Q: Who created the new race of pure daleks?
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What are the new colours of the daleks?

If you mean the 100% pure Daleks then its White, Blue, Orange, Red and yellow.

Are daleks nice to their own race or just plain mean?

Dalek hierarchy is quite strict, and all Daleks in one particular faction have the same mindset, they don't have individual personalities, the leaders command and the drones obey. It's not really a case of them being nice or nasty to each other. One thing they tend to not tolerate though is any deviance away from the dalek 'ideal' - such as Dalek Sec becoming a human-dalek hybrid. Another example, the 'pure' New Paradigm daleks eliminating the ones that created them due to those being inferior, grown from Davros' cells and not being pure daleks. Dalek factions will fight each other viciously also, due to differing ideals.

What the daleks look like?

The daleks were created by terry nation and were based on the Nazis, because when he was a child he was in the 2nd world war and that's why the daleks speak in a demanding high pitch squeal. i got this information from a 1980s dr who DVD.The daleks are hideous mutants hidden behind armour called Dalekanium.They were created by davros but some were created by The Dalek Emperor.They were meant to be destroyed in the time war but they keep coming back. In Victory of the Daleks,the Daleks pretended to be on Winston Churchill's side in World War 2 but were actually waiting for a "testinomy" from the Doctor.When the Doctor arrived and the Daleks got their testinomy,it confirmed they were Daleks to the proginetor(which didn't recognise them,because they were impure).The proginetor created a new race of pure Daleks.The new Daleks escaped and by doing so,claimed Victory,hence the episode title "Victory of the Daleks".Later,the Daleks ended up being part of a pandorica alliance,in The Pandorica Opens/the Big Bang.The pandorica Alliance succeeded in trapping the Doctor in the Pandorica.Later,the Dalek was brought to life by light from the Pandorica.For some unexplained reason,though,it was scared of River Song.

When was New York Race created?

New York Race was created in 2001.

I don't understand the dalek classifications. There are dalek emperor supreme dalek renegade dalek imperial dalek davros what are the new Daleks Can someone give me a long answer and explain?

The Supreme Dalek is the ruler of the renagade daleks. The renegade daleks are the daleks that don't obey Davros and the ones who arrested him for crimes against the Daleks in "Revelation of the Daleks". The Emperor is the ruler of the imperial daleks, the ones that were recreated by Davros in "Revelation of the Daleks". In the earlier years of the Daleks, The Daleks are ruled by the Supreme Council, of which the Supreme Dalek Was the head of. This now brings us into the different colours of Daleks. The Red Dalek is the supreme. The Black is the leaders of the warriors and the grey (In the new series, Gold) are the ordinary Daleks. The Daleks in "Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways" Are Imperial Daleks, because they were lead by the emperor. The Daleks that fought the Time War would've been Imperial Daleks too, because Davros was there as well. It is possible however, that both Dalek factions were fighting, their differences put aside to exterminate the Time Lords. This is never made clear. The Daleks in "The Stolen Earth/Journeys End" Are Renegade Daleks. Davros created them, but they have obviously turned against him, keeping him in a vault. The Cult of Skaro could be either, but most probally Renegade Daleks because the Doctor said that he thought they were just a legend, which implies that they are old. Older then the Imperial Daleks. But they didn't like the fact that Rose had destryed the Emperor, and the Doctor said that they were above the emperor. So who knows? I'd also like to add that Dalek Caan rescued Davros, so the Cult of Skaro could be Imperial Daleks. And the Doctor said in "Daleks in Mahatten/Evolution of the Daleks" that they were created by the Emperor, so they have to be Imperial Daleks. Some evidence that the Daleks might have re-united in the Time War is that all Daleks are now standerdly gold, like the Imperial Daleks were White and Gold. However in the episodes "Evil of the Daleks" , "Day of the Daleks" and "Death to the Daleks" , there was no set colour to the daleks, they were all sorts of colours and definitely not Grey or White & Gold. And that was before the Daleks were divided into the 'Renegade' and 'Imperial' factions and yet there is a Dalek Emeror in "Evil of the Daleks". How can this be? Could this be that due to the daleks being unified, there was no need for 'uniforms'. But this still doesn't explain the Emperor Dalek being there. the new Daleks' rank is determined by their colour. white= supreme, orange= scientist, yellow= eternal, red= drone, blue=strategist

Could Daleks get a new shell as they look ugly at the moment?

no way daleks are usually kept the same for tradition Series 2, Ep13 - "The Daleks have no concept of elegance!"

Who is the master dalek in Doctor Who?

It's not that easy to answer, as they've had several 'leaders' and different factions. Davros, a Kaled scientist, created the Daleks, however they killed him, they would not allow themselves to be commanded by someone who was not a Dalek. They've had high ranking daleks as leaders, such as Dalek Emperors, and Daleks Supreme. Davros once even masqueraded as a Dalek Emperor. The 'New Paradigm' Daleks have a Prime Minister.

How many types of Daleks are there?

Mark I Dalek (The Daleks) Mark II Dalek (The Dalek Invasion Of Earth) Mark III Dalek (1965-1984) Dalek Emperor (Evil Of The Daleks and Parting Of The Ways) Dalek Supreme (Planet Of The Daleks) Necros Dalek (Revalation Of The Daleks) Imperial Dalek, Special Weapons Dalek, Renegade Dalek (Remembrance Of The Daleks) New Series Dalek (2005-TBA. Daleks will return in 2010's "Victory Of The Daleks").

When was Race Across New Zealand - Rocket Power - created?

Race Across New Zealand - Rocket Power - was created in 2002.

What will the next series of Doctor Who be about?

River song and the new daleks.

What is the new daleks name?

White:Supreme Red:drone Blue:scientist Orange:Strategist Yellow:Eternal

Will the daleks ever invade dorchester?

unlikely, but who knows with this new doctor who series.