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Q: Who criticised piagets theory?
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Only education is capable of saving our societies from possible collapse, whether violent or gradual

Which theorist alleged that children cognitively can only accomplish certain tasks when they are developmentally ready?

Piagets's cognitive theory.

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What stage of human development do individuals experience the world only through sensory contact?

Jean Piagets theory, The Sensorimotor stage. The level of human development at which individuals experience the world only thru their senses

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Well it's masturbation

How do you spell criticised?

The correct spelling is criticised. This is the British English spelling. The US spelling is criticized.

What was Piagets term for the realization that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight?

object permenance

Should the future coming notes be more criticised?

No, it has been criticised enough with all of the flying cars and time machines, absolutely not.

Why is piaget's fourth stage of development most controversial?

why is Piagets 4th stage the most contraversial

Why do Christians who play professional sports get criticised for what they believe in?

There are many Christians and people of other faiths that play sports without being criticised. A far greater number than those that are criticised. Perhaps you are talking about an isolated incident. It certainly is not the case generally.