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your mama decided that curse words were bad because she was saying the words to make you hahahahah get it!!

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Q: Who decided curse words were bad?
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What are curse words?

Curse words, also known as profanity or obscenities, are words that society deems offensive or inappropriate due to their explicit or vulgar nature. These words are often used to express strong emotions or to insult others. The use of curse words can vary based on cultural norms and context.

What can be considered a bad word?

Cuss words or curse words are considered to be bad words. Curse words vary from culture to culture and are also referred to as bad words. In most societies the use of curse words is frowned upon.

What are all the curse words in the worlds?

cant say them bad words

Does the song black and yellow have curse words?

that i want to

Is it bad to use curse words if you're a Christian?

it is bad to say curse words even if you are a christain or not. it is sinning. in the 10 commandments it says,do not misuse god's name.

Can parrots really curse?

Yes, if you teach them bad languages they can really curse so do not teach any parrots bad words.

Are bad words bad?

There are no "bad" words, only those that are polite and those that may offend. If you use curse words in public or in company, it is considered rude. Also, if you use a lot of curse words, it shows that you do not have a very good vocabulary to be able to describe things without cursing -- in other words, you look foolish or uncouth.

Are there curse words in shriek4?

some.... but not considered very offensive or really bad.

Why are there bleeps on TV?

There are bleeps on TV because there are curse words and they are really bad.

Is a curse good or bad?

I think a curse is bad.

What does coscole mean in Farsi?

It is a very bad word. In Farsi, curse words are not meant to be used. Those who use curse words, in Persian culture, are considered low class and not worth speaking to. It is an interesting comparison to English where curse words are used to express emotion.

Does Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie have cursing in it?

No because i have read all of the books and there was no bad words