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November 11th was declared a national holiday, Armistice Day, by the legislative bodies of Allied countries after the end of World War I. It commemorated the cessation of hostilities between the Allies and Germany.

After World War II, Congress (in the US) and Parliament (in the UK) changed the name of the holiday to "Veterans Day" and "Remembrance Day", respectively.

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Q: Who declared November 11 a national holiday?
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What us president declared November 11 a hoiiday?

Woodrow Wilson was President when November 11 became a national holiday. The reason was the Armistice ending WW I which occurred on November 11,1918.

Why is November 11 a national holiday?

Veterans Day

National holiday held on November 11?

veteran's day

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Closest National holiday is Veterans Day on November 11, 2011.

What year did congress vote Armistice day a national holiday?

On November 11 1918 the congress voted Armistice day a national holiday. ---------------------------By huss

What month and day did Veterans Day become a national holiday?

November 11, 1918

Is Veterans Day alway observed on the same day of the week?

Veteran's Day is now always observed on November 11, regardless of the day of the week. Congress changed the date of the holiday to the fourth Monday in October in 1968, but the date was changed back to November 11 in 1978. Congress originally declared November 11 a federal holiday in 1938, and the name of the holiday was changed from Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954.

What legal holiday is celebrated on 11-11 in Canada?

November 11 is our Remembrance Day, but not a statutory holiday

When did a day become a day?

It became a federal holiday in 1954. President Eisenhower declared it a national holiday in honor of United States veteran's. It is also sometimes called a national holiday. U.S. holiday celebrated on November 11, honoring veterans of the U.S. armed forces and those killed in battle. Originally called Armistice Day, it began as a commemoration of the ending of World War I on Nov. 11, 1918. After World War II it was recognized as a day to pay tribute to all service members, and in 1954 it was designated as Veterans Day.

What is Veterans Day and why is it celebrated?

Veteran's Day is a national holiday in the United States. It is a day that honors American soldiers, alive or dead, who have fought in any war in the service of the United States Armed Forces. It is celebrated on November 11 each year. If November 11 falls on a weekend, there will be celebration on that day, but also a national holiday the following Monday.

What president was the first to declare November 11 a holiday?

Gerald R. Ford was the first to declare November 11th a holiday.

What holiday is on November 11?

Veteran's Day! #YipYip108