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Q: Who designed the Arabic layout of the keyboard?
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What is the reason why the keyboard has that certain layout?

The QWERTY layout was designed to reduce frequency of hammer clashes on a manual typewriter and the resulting jams.

Where is the underline on the keyboard?

On standard PC keyboard layout, it is on Shift+[minus] key. You can see all characters of the active layout by clicking Start / Control Panel / Change keyboard or other input method / Change keyboard / Properties.To reconfigure your layout, you can use keyboard stickers and Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator software.

What is an alterntave keyboard to the QUERTY?

The Dvorak keyboard is one alternbative keyboard layout.

Who is the father of computer keyboard?

The modern day computer keyboard is based on the QWERTY layout designed by the inventor of the typewriter back in 1868, Christopher Latham Sholes. With the invention of the computer, a collective of R&D specialists came up with the electronic impulse system and added a few extra keys to the layout and the computer keyboard became a reality.

How much buttons does a keyboard have?

a keyboard can have 102 or 103 keys, it depends on the layout of the keyboard.

Is there any other keyboard layout available for Android phones that doesn't suck like QWERTY?

If you're looking for another keyboard layout I could suggest a different kind of layout and that is with Dextr. This is not the typical keyboard layout that you can see on your phone and tables. See the related link.

What keyboard is more used than the dvorak keyboard?

Qwerty is the most common keyboard layout

Why are most standard keyboard called QWERTY key board?

It is because the qwerty keyboard is used universally. Most people are used to the qwerty keyboard layout but there are some keyboard layout that you can also consider the devorak and colemak

What is the most common keyboard layout?


Who rearranged the keyboard?

A psychologist named Dvorak from the University of Washington developed the Dvorak keyboard layout as a more efficient alternative to the common QWERTY layout.

How do you write marwah in Arabic?

مروهGo to the Arabic Keyboard and type in English. The output would be in Arabic.Please see Related Links for the URL of Arabic Keyboard.

How are the letters on an Arabic keyboard arranged?

The letters on an Arabic keyboard are arranged in exactly the same way as any other keyboard including English, and each Arabic letter corresponds to the correct letter in English.