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Q: Who determines public policies in an indirect democracy?
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In a direct democracy how do they select state public officials?

There are no officials in a direct democracy, in a direct democracy all citizens vote on all the issues, unlike a representative or an indirect democracy (which is what the united states is). In a indirect democracy citizens of voting age who are registered to vote elect officials.

In a democracy who holds the sovereighty and determines public policy through direct voting of elected representatives?

The people.

In a democracy who holds the sovereignty and determines public policy through direct voting of elected representtives?

The people

Why is it important that the media inform the public about candidates policies and other matters on the public agenda?

because the public need this information for democracy to function effectively

Why is public opinion so important in democracy?

Public opinion is important in democracy because it reflects the will of the people, who elect their representatives to make decisions on their behalf. It serves as a mechanism of accountability for policymakers and helps ensure that government actions align with the interests and values of the public. Public opinion also plays a crucial role in shaping public policies and influencing the functioning of democratic institutions.

In an indirect democracy citizens do what?

All male citizens could vote in the assembly which was held every couple of weeks. At this assembly all laws were presented to be passed. This is different from an indirect or representative democracy where citizens elect representatives who do the lawmaking. Citizens were also eligible for all public offices (most of which were chosen by lot). They also served on juries which were the sole judges in lawsuits. They were also liable for military service when called up.

Why are states known for as laboratories of democracy?

States try new policies and if they work, then other states, or perhaps even the entire country, will use them.

What do democracy and dictatorships have in common?

Democracies are a form of government. Democracies all have a public vote that put people into office. If a country is a democracy, then it has to follow the policies of this form of government.

What is the power to make law and frame public policies?

what is the power to make law and frame public policies.

What are laws and goals that the government follows?

The laws and goals that a government follows are called public policies.

What is the importance of public opinion in democracy?

Free public opinion is the soul of Democracy, since they are inside of the ethical and moral values.

Who governs media?

The public controls the media, after all we do live in a democracy. Ratings demonstrate what the public wants and determines what television shows are on. Other media such as music is also controlled by the public because without its support it would be nothing. What the public wants or what is thought might interest it is put out there in the media, all based on the public's wants and needs.