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I think I'm right in saying that the Jews, or more specifically, the Hebrews had an alphabet with 22 characters. If I am wrong then I stand corrected.

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The Phoenicians are credited with developing a writing system made up of 22 characters known as the Phoenician alphabet. This alphabet served as the basis for many modern writing systems, including Greek and Latin.

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When was kana invented?

Kana, a syllabic writing system used in Japanese, was invented during the Heian period in the 9th century. It was primarily derived from simplified Chinese characters and was developed by the noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu and the monk Kukai. Kana helped to improve literacy and made writing Japanese more accessible to a wider population.

What is unusual about the written form of the Chinese language?

The written form of Chinese is not based on an alphabet but on characters representing words or syllables. These characters are made up of strokes that are combined to create meaning. Additionally, there are thousands of characters in the Chinese writing system, making it complex and challenging to learn.

Why was the Greek alphabet invented?

The Greek alphabet was likely developed around the 8th century BCE to create a standardized writing system for the Greek language. This new system made it easier to record information, communicate, and preserve Greek literature and culture.

What does cuneiform look like?

Cuneiform is a writing system made up of wedge-shaped characters that originated in ancient Mesopotamia. The characters are formed by pressing a stylus into clay tablets to create markings. Each character represents a syllable or word.

How do the Chinese write?

The Chinese writing system uses characters, each representing a word or concept. Characters are made up of strokes and are written in columns from top to bottom, and right to left. There are over 50,000 characters in the Chinese language, though only around 20,000 are commonly used.

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Where did writing first developed?

Writing was first devolped at 2000 BC in Egypt. The Egyptians developed writing to communicate with the future people and each other. At first, writing was made of symbols not letters.

What was the writing called that the Sumerians developed?

The Cuneiform would be the name of the writing the Sumerians made.

Who made the alphabet and why?

The Phoenicians developed the first alphabet because life had become too complex for memorizing information, and the older writing systems involved thousands of characters, which reduced literacy.

When was kana invented?

Kana, a syllabic writing system used in Japanese, was invented during the Heian period in the 9th century. It was primarily derived from simplified Chinese characters and was developed by the noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu and the monk Kukai. Kana helped to improve literacy and made writing Japanese more accessible to a wider population.

How did egyptians excell in architecture?

There are many but ill list a few: Amathematics system that has developed to this day, papyrus a paper made from reeds for writing on, knowledge of the stars and universe from observations etc

Which book did Stephenie Meyer get inspiration from whilst writing twilight?

She got the idea from a dream which was the meadow scene. Then she got curious as to what happens then and she developed the characters. When the characters were made she said the story wrote itself almost. She does make reference to Romeo and Juliet and also to Wuthering Heights

What was the of name of the wedge-shaped writing form developed by the summerians?

it's called stylus and made for writing in their stone tablets

Who made the circle?

Circles were drawn by ancient peoples before writing was developed. No one "invented" or "made" the circle from that perspective.

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Fictional writing contains events made up by the author. It includes genres like novels, short stories, and plays where the author creates characters, settings, and events that are not real.

How was the ancient Chinese writing system different from cuneiform and hieroglyphic writing?

Chinese characters are logographic (representing ideas instead of sounds) whereas hieroglyphic symbols represent consonants as well as general concepts (called determiners). Furthermore, Chinese characters are "stylized" and for the most part do not look like their original pictures, whereas hieroglyphics retained the clear shapes of the images they originally represented. Cuneiform characters represent the sounds of syllables only and are similar to Japanese kana.

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It is made by Sony Computer Entertainment who developed the Playstation system

What are ancient Mesopotamia's achievement's?

they made the wheel. Also, they made the first writing system.