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Q: Who developed the technique to close wounds using stitches?
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Who developed an ointment to prevent infections in wounds and a technique of stitching to close wounds?


What is stitching made out of?

stitches such as surgical stiches used to close wounds are made up of the lining of the intestines of a common house cat

what is stitches?

Stitches are a common medical procedure used to close wounds and cuts. They involve using a needle and thread to sew the edges of the wound together, which helps the skin heal and prevents infection. There are several types of stitches, including running stitches, lock stitches, and interrupted stitches. The type of stitch used will depend on the location and severity of the wound. After the stitches are placed, they usually need to be kept clean and dry for about a week. Then, the stitches are typically removed by a medical professional.

What is dermabond actually used for?

Dermabond is a skin adhesive that is used by a doctor instead of stitches to close open wounds. This leads to a fast recovery for the patient and allows the doctor to avoid using a needle.

What part of a blood vessel closes the wound?

Blood vessels don't close off wounds. Parts of the blood(platelets) clot and close off wounds.

What is the medical term meaning closing of stitches?

When doctors close a wound, they Suture it.

How many stitches does it take to close a 4 inch gap?

About 50 or 60

Why use spiderwebs on opens wounds?

In desperate situations you can use spiderwebs. They act as a crude bandage and may help to close wounds.

What is an adhesive used to close skin instead of sutures or staples?

Surgical glue is now often used instead of conventional stitches. It leave no marks, as stitches or staples do.

What does suture mean?

Suture is basically a stitch when you have a deep cut. So if you get stitches to close a wound they may tell you how many sutures they used to close the gash. Suture+stitch were as sutures mean stitches, there are no other meanings to this word. Ken...

How many stitches does it take to cover a half inch cut?

A wound is one thing that is always unique; no two wounds are ever exactly the same in length or depth. We have all had a minor cut, such as a paper cut. These are superficial wounds, because they only affect the first layer of skin. The edges of a superficial wound are usually straight, and the edges naturally stay close together. A deeper superficial wound may only need a "butterfly strip" to keep the edges together so it can heal. However, other wounds are deeper. We might call the wound a "gash", because the edges are open. We can often see into the wound to the tissues under the skin. A gash always needs stitches. The number of stitches depends on how deep the gash is; how long the wound is; and whether it is a straight line wound or a jagged edge wound. Stitches begin inside a deeper wound, using special "thread" that the body will dissolve over time as the wound heals. The stitches are used in layers, from the inside out (sort of like pressing the bottom of a almost empty tube, until you get to the top). The deepest part may only need 1 stitch, but it could need many stitches. The next layer often needs more stitches along the INNER length of the wound. On MOST wounds, there is one inner layer and one skin layer, but there could be more layers used on the inside, depending on the depth of the wound. As one example, I stepped on the lid of a can from cat food. The metal is very sharp, but circular and easily bent (so it causes ragged wound edges inside). So the metal would make a shorter cut inside than it would at the skin-- the skin wound would be much longer. The E.R. doctor put in two stitches at the deepest part; then three at the next layer; and 5 on top of that because the metal had bent as I stepped on it, making the wound more jagged inside. He closed the skin layer with 7 stitches. But one stitch at the end of the wound made the skin pucker; it needed removed and they put two stitches there instead. Every wound is different. The number of stitches needed cannot be known until after a doctor assesses the wound. The doctor will use only enough stitches to keep the edges, inside and out, close together so the body will begin to fill in the wound with granulation cells that repair the wound. Not all wounds leave scars, but some do.