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Q: Who diagnosed small pox and measles?
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After 1492 deadly diseases carried by European's such as measles tuberculosis and?

small pox

What disease was brought to south America from Europe?

Small pox, influenza, measles, and typhus.

What diseases were in Bergen-Belsen besides typhus and typhoid?

According to my research small pox nemonic measles chicken pox and many more.

What types of problems have scientists solved in your community?

samle disaeases like measles and small pox

What are three beneficial diseases?

They might be any of the diseases which generate immunity inside your body for future attacks, like small pox, chicken pox, measles, etc.

Can you get chickenpox and measles at the same time?

The virus of chicken pox and measles are different

What type of diseases were spreading during the Gettysburg war?

Measles, mumps, small pox, dysentry, typhoid, malaria

What were the dieses that the europeans brought over that killed thousands and thousands of first nations?

Small pox, measles, influenza and Tuberculosis

Why are you Immune to Chickenpox but not to Measles?

The virus that causes Chicken Pox is different from the virus that causes Measles. If you receive the vaccination for Chicken Pox and not the vaccination for Measles, you are immune to the virus that causes Chicken Pox but have no immunity against the virus that causes Measles. Thus, while while Chicken Pox will not kill you from Reyes Syndrome, you might go blind from Measles. You should also get vaccinated for Measles. We can be immune to chicken pox as if the mother of a baby has had chicken pox the mother will pass temporary immunity to the baby. You can also have a vaccination. If you have chicken pox once it is unlikely you will have it again. But you can get measles more than once unless you get vaccinated. Measles are also more serious than chicken pox.

What diseases did europeans give to natives?

wooping cough influenza diphtheria small pox measles colds typhoid tuberculosis Scurvy

When was measles first diagnosed?


What diseases were brought to America by europeans?

Bubonic plague, small pox, dysentry,influenza, tb, typhus