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Q: Who did Aphrodite promise the most beautiful women in the world?
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Who did Aphrodite promise the most beautiful woman in the world?

Helen is the most beautiful woman in the is jaenyla

What does Aphrodite promise Paris that persuades him to choose her as the winner of the beauty contest?

"the most beautiful woman in the world" as a wife

Who did the aphrodite promise to be the most beautiful person in the world?

she didn't. she just was born that way. they say she was the prittiest of all the goddesses.

What did Aphrodite promise if Paris awarded the golden apple to her?

Aphrodite promised Paris that he would have the love of the most beautiful woman in the world. The only problem- she, Helen, was already married.

What did Aprhodite promise Paris which started the Trojan war?

Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman in the world - Queen Helen of Sparta.

What are some real world connections Aphrodite had?

In other words, the universal meaning of Aphrodite is love, lust and beauty. The way she can convince anyone with her sexiness is similar to what beautiful women do to some men. So, it is said that when women do that, it sprang from the meaning of Aphrodite.

What were Aphrodite's flaws?

Her flaws are pride and vanity, thinking she the the most beautiful being in the world. She also has a short temper (if other women say they are more beautiful than the goddess, she curses them). She hated to be compared to other women or goddesses.

What did Aphrodite truly look like?

aphrodite is believed to be the most beautiful woman in the world, and she is often displayed as nude

Why was Aphrodite and the Golden Apple created and what lesson does it teach?

Basically, the Golden Apple myth in brief is that three women (Aphrodite, Athena and Hera) were given the golden apple of discord which was preserved for the 'most beautiful'. Paris was given the choice to choose and the godesses all bribed him with luxuries. Yet, the reason why Paris chose Aphrodite is because the greatest luxury of man will always be the love of the most beautiful women in the world.

Why did Aphrodite bribe Paris?

When the three goddess were warring over who is the most beautiful, each of them offered Paris something. Aphrodite offered him the love of Helen, the most beautiful mortal at that time, and so Paris named her the most beautiful goddess and gave her the Golden Apple.

What is the name of the most beautiful women in the world?

the most beautiful women is the women you see in your mirror

What was the meaning in Aphrodite and the Trojan war?

Aphrodite was the beauty god who promised Paris a sheperd that she will give him the most beautiful woman in the world as a wife. She did do the promise and gave him _____________. But, she was already married to someone else but didnt like him. So, the two of them left when he wasnt home and didnt tell them. So then he started the Trojan War.