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Q: Who did Churchill and Roosevelt appoint to lead the Normandy invasion in world war 2?
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Who did Churchill and Roosevelt appoint to lead the Normandy invasion?

General Dwight D. Eisenhower

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10th may 1940.

Which president had his power to appoint Justices cut off by Congress?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

How did Roosevelt hope to overcome opposition from the Supreme Court?

He tried to appoint additional justices.

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Harry Hopkins

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cause he wanted to in 2/14/1905

Who did Churchill and Roosevelt appoint to lead the Normandy invaision?

The Supreme Commander of all forces to be appointed was General Dwight D.Eisenhower, who went on to become President of the USA between 1953-61. However, the Supreme Commander of British forces was Field Marshal Montgomery, the French were lead by General Charles de Gaulle, and the US forces by General Omar Bradley. All three of these though, were answerable to Eisenhower.

Why did Franklin Delano Roosevelt feel that he needed to appoint his personally picked Supreme court?

No one knows but FDR

Did roosevelt appoint John F Stevens as chief engineer on the Panama Canal project?

President Roosevelt appointed John F Stevens as chief engineer, so this is correct.

What way did Roosevelt most likely warrant the criticism contained in the excerpt?

Roosevelt's attempt to appoint more Supreme Court justices to support his reforms

Which presidents were able to appoint a majority of the federal bench during their tenure of office?

Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan were the only ones in the last century to appoint a majority of the federal bench.

Which statement best characterizes the ultimate purpose of President Roosevelt's court-packing plan?

To appoint new justices to the supreme court >.<