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Q: Who did Cicero want Rome to give power to?
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Did Cicero want to give power to the senate or Marc Antony?

Cicero was a firm republican. Marc Antony was a populist. They were bitter enemies. There was no way that Cicero would consider giving Marc Antony any power whatsoever.

Whom did Cicero want Romans to give power to?

Marc Antony.

Why did Cicero want Rome to fight Antony?

Cicero wanted Rome to fight Antony because he said Antony was attacking a general of the Roman people.....I really don't know if that is right though, I got it out of a book. :P

How is Cincinnati OH related to Ancient Rome?

i think that its related because Julius Caesar was supposed to give give his power to rome and he did 'NT becazuse he wanted to get respect and get more famous so he could do whatever he want but cincinatus gave his all power to rome and became a tempory dicator.

What did Cicero want for Rome?

Cicero wanted to defend and preserve the constitution of the Roman Republic, its traditions and the freedoms he felt it guaranteed. He was also opposed to the popupares, a political faction which championed the cause of the poor and wanted reforms to help the poor. Cicero was a supporter of the aristocracy. Cicero was also a staunch upholder of morality. His writings on ethics were influential for centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire. He was also famous for his vitriolic attacks of a Governor of Sicily he prosecuted for corruption.

Why do the conspirators want circero and then leave him out in the play julius caesar?

Brutus doesn't want him in the conspiracy; he says Cicero will never follow anything he doesn't start. It doesn't help Cicero; he dies anyway.

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because Cleopatra was with mark and they didn't want mark ruler of rome to give the government to Cleopatra

Why do the conspirators want Cicero to be one of their party?

The conspirators want Cicero to join the conspiracy becasue it will be more convincing once he lures Caesar to see the Senate the day he's assinated.

Did Tsar Nicholas want to put power in the hands of people?

No, the monarch didn't want to give up any of his power.

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The People.. Dah

Many colonies objected to the Albany plan of union in 1754 mainly because?

Because the local colonial governments would have to give up their power.

Why did brutus did not want to include cicero in the conspiracy?

He wouldn't follow someone else's idea's. -Synthetic.