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he forgave himself.

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Q: Who did Cole forgive during his dance of anger?
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Explain what a dance of anger might be like for cole?

Explain what a dance of anger might be like for cole?

What does cole address as if it's a person from the past during his dance of anger in touching spirit bear?

In the novel "Touching Spirit Bear," Cole addresses his father as if he is a person from the past during his dance of anger. He expresses his pent-up emotions and anger towards his father's abuse, seeking closure and healing through this symbolic act.

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Who has cole forgiven by the end of the dance of anger in touching spirit bear?


What were Cole's dances in touching spirit bear?

im pretty sure they were the anger dance, wolf dance, whale dance, spirit bear dance, and the eagle dance.

What were the dances that Edwin asked Cole to dance for in touching spirit bear?

Dance of anger, Dance of the spirit bear, Dane of the mouse, and a couple more

How did Cole learn to deal with his anger in touching spirit bear?

Cole learns to deal with his anger through the mentorship of Edwin and the healing process on the island. By facing his inner turmoil and reflecting on his negative actions, Cole begins to understand the root of his anger. Through experiences like the bear attack and the Spirit Bear encounter, he learns to let go of his anger and find inner peace.

What is the antagonist of Touching Spirit Bear?

The antagonist would definitely be Cole himself because he is the only one stopping him from wanting to change, and be able to control his anger and forgive.

What was Cole's dad' character like in Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole's dad is hateful and mean. he abused Cole his entire life and Cole was angry at him for it. during Cole's recovery from being muled by the Spirit Bear his mom decided to come clean about all the abuse her son had to endure from his father. The father then turned around and filed a law suite for being charged with child abuse, and a custody act to keep Cole away from his mother (which was basically just a act of pride, he didn't really want Cole and if he did it was for very bad reasons, but he wanted to prove that he could get away with anything and that anyone who dare challenge this will suffer the consequences). When Cole returned to the island and danced the dance of anger (which turned out to be the dance of forgiveness) he learned to forgive his dad for all this because his dad had abused him as well and it was all he had ever known.

In the book touching spirit bear do you think peter should forgive coly and why?

Yes, I believe Peter should forgive Cole. Forgiveness is not only important for Peter's own healing and growth, but it also allows him to move on from the pain and anger he feels towards Cole. Holding onto resentment and anger will only continue to hurt Peter in the long run.

What activities do Cole and Edwin do to help Cole release his anger?

he was tired

When did peter show anger in touching spirit bear?

Peter showed anger in "Touching Spirit Bear" when he physically attacked Cole during their time together on the island, expressing his frustration and rage towards Cole. This moment revealed Peter's inner turmoil and unresolved issues that he was struggling with.