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Q: Who did Edward VI name as his heir in his will?
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Who was Henry VIII's heir?

Edward the VI was Henry VIII's heir. Edward's mother was Jane Seymour who died in childbirth and was Henry's third wife.

Who named lady Jane grey as his heir?

Edward VI, her cousin and close friend.

What was the name of Jane seymore son born in 1537?

That would be Edward, later Edward VI.

Was Edward VI a Protestant or a Catholic?

Edward VI was a protestant, because when Henry VIII died more people had become protestant, and decided that Henry VIII was right. Since Edward was a heir to Henry, people were on the protestant side

What is Edward the 6 full name?

Edward VI's full name was Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales.

What was King Edward VI mothers' name?

Jane Seymour was the mother of King Edward VI. She died in childbirth. She was the third wife of Henry VIII.

What is Queen Elizabeth I's brothers name?

Edward VI

Who was king after Edward VI?

The successor to Edward VI was Queen Mary I.

Found a 1937 Threepence with Edward VI in mom's attic what is appox value?

Please check your coin. Edward VI died in 1553. There were no British 1937 Edward VIII coins issued with his name or likeness on them.

Who was jane Seymours child?

Edward vi (1537 - 1553)

What were Edward vi failures?

Edward VI failed to survive his illness (tuberculosis)

Edward V however was never officially crowned. He and his brother were the Princes in the Tower and their uncle Richard III usurped the throne. So Edward V was Edward VI's maternal great-uncle.?

If a king has the same name as a previous king, he will add the next number down to his name., however the name doesn't have to be inherited. For example the reason for why Edward VI (son of Henry the VIII) was called Edward VI, was simply becasue there have already been 5 King Edwards on the throne, and when he claimed the throne he was the 6th Edward.