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Q: Who did George McGovern run against in 1972?
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Who was Hubert Humphrey's running mate in 1972?

Hubert Humphrey did not run win his party's nomination for president in 1972, George McGovern did.

Who did Richard run against?

Jack Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, George Wallace, and George McGovern.In 1960 Richard Nixon ran against John F. Kennedy & lost.In 1968 Richard Nixon ran against Hubert Humphrey and Won.In 1972 Richard Nixon ran against George McGovern and Won.

Did McCarthy run against Nixon for president?

Nixon ran against Democrat George S. McGovern in the 1968 election and won.

When did George McGovern Run for president?

in 1983 George Stanley McGovern was defeated Richard Milhous Nixon

Who did Richard Nixon run against for president?

Richard Nixon ran for president against1960 John F. Kennedy1968 Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace(Independent)1972 George McGovernNixon lost in 1960 and won in 1968 and 1972.

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Use Communist China's official name in public (APEX)

What did not run for president in the Democratic primaries in 1968?

A. George McGovern B. Robert Kennedy C. Hubert Humphrey D. Eugene McCarthy George McGovern did not run for president in the Democratic primaries in 1968

Who first ran against richard nixon?

Richard Nixon (Republican) ran for President in 1960 against John F. Kennedy (Democrat) and lost. He ran against Hubert H. Humphrey (D) for Pres. in 1968 and won. He ran against George McGovern (D) for Pres. in 1972 and won. Richard Nixon did not run for office in 1974. He was forced to resign from the Presidency, after covering up what he knew about the 1972 Watergate Hotel Democratic Party office break in.

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Did George Bush run against Bill Clinton?

Yes, George H. W. Bush ran against Bill Clinton in 1992 as an incumbent president, losing to Bill Clinton.

Who did Agnew run against for Gov of Maryland?

George P. mahoney was the Democratic candidate against Spiro Agnew in 1966.

Who did george bush sr run against?

George W. Bush ran against Al Gore in the 2000 presidential race and John Kerry in the 2004 presidential race.