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Frieza even though he had nothing to do with it.

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Hitler blamed both his own lack of talent and the academy's admissions committee for his rejection. He believed that his artistic abilities were exceptional and that the committee had conspired against him because they did not appreciate his artistic style.

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Q: Who did Hitler blame for not being able to go to Academy of Fine Arts?
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When was Hitler rejected by the Vienna Academy of Arts?

Hitler lived in Vienna from 1905. He was rejected twice by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in 1907 and 1908.

Why did Hitler go to Vienna?

Hitler did go to Vienna for joining the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. He had hoped to become an artist but was rejected as unqualified by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in October 1907.

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Adolf Hitler showed an interest in fine Arts and German-Nationalism. He was a painter, mostly in oil colors, and applied to the Academy of Fine Arts twice.

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Probably because they did not accept him at the school.

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He was born in Austria, but moved to Munich when he was 18 to study at the Academy of Arts but he didn't get accepted.

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It was not for them to suggest anything, they just turned down his entrance application.

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Christian Griepenkerl and Alois Delug were the directors of two painting schools of Vienna Academy of Fine arts in 1907-1908. The two are known for rejecting Adolf Hitler's application to join the academy in 1907 and 1908.

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