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Q: Who did Moctezuma believe was the reincarnated form of the god Quetzalcoatl?
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Who was reincarnated form of the god Quetzalcoatl?


Why is it that Buddhists do not harm living things?

Buddhists believe that people are reincarnated, and they can be reincarnated in the form of other species than human beings. So, all animal life would be deserving of respect as a possible vessle of a human spirit.

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Do Buddas believe that there is a path between heaven and hell?

They believe the rightous go to paradise and the wicked will be born again (reincarnated) into a lower form than the previous life with the hope that they will attain heaven but rightous living as a second chance.

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People generally believe that the spirit moves on to a different form of existence, either better or worse, dependent on several factors, but most believe that the spirit is eternal, and that death is a transcendence rather than a conclusion.they go to heaven or get reincarnated

Do Buddhist believe that you become an animal in the afterlife?

Not necessarily, reincarnantion in Animal form is associated with the Hindus. It is something of a distortion that the animals which give us milk are reincarnated Human souls- true this has added the phrases Holy Cow and sacred Cow to out language, but oddly they really don"t believe this.

Did the Sioux believe in after life?

Yes, the Sioux believed that their "soul" was immortal, and that it would live on in the tree's, wind, clouds, sky, and nature. If a Sioux warrior fell in battle it was believed his soul was taken by the Wakan Tanka and he would be reincarnated in one form or another.

What connection did Micheal Jackson have to the Aztecs?

none it is just a rumor that micheal jackson was the reincarnated form of the aztec king during the fall of the aztec empire.

Which religion features a strict social caste system and teaches that people must perform certain rituals to be reincarnated in a higher form?

Answer this question… Hinduism

Is korra the avatar?

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According to Hinduism what happens when you reincarnate?

Hinduism says that if you devote your life to god you get released from the cycle of life and death and become one with God. If you however succumb to the evils of the world you are reincarnated into a rabbit or a deer or any other lower life form. From there the cycle starts and you work your way up to human, then you again have a chance to become one with god.

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The reason to believe federal form of government is to believe that CODY SIMPSON RULES THE EARTH!