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Q: Who did the people of Athens wants to have for protection?
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The Daily life of slaves in Athens?

there were slaves in Athens people buy them if you wants fun information about it then go to a libaray and ask them for the book you wounldn;t want to be a slave in Greece, it tells you all about Athens and their slaves. - Anna luc

What roles did Athens play in the worship of Athena?

Athena was their patron goddess (Athens was named after Athens) so they asked her for prosperity, protection and success.

What gift did athene give to Athens?

An olive tree.

Athens united the Greek city-states for protection under the?


Are Athens thinking people?

Athens is a city.

Did people of Athens have a full democracy?

Did the people of ancient Athens have a full democracy

What was the major occupation of the people of Athens?

the answer is athens and sparta

Did Athens people have plenty of food?

Yes most people who lived in Athens did have plenty of food but Sparta did not

What were middle class people in Athens called?

Middle class people in ancient Athens were called metics

How many people are enslaved that lived in Athens in 400 BC?

many and many people where slaved in ancient athens

How were the people of the Athens different from the people of Sparta?

The Athens cared more about education, but the Spartans cared more about military.

Popular food in Athens?

THe people in Athens eat Cow, chicken and lamb.