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Barack Obama, he was busy doing Black people stuff

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Q: Who didn't attend the signing of the declaration of independence and why?
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Why did John Hancock not attend the Constitutional convention?

In 1775, Hancock was a delegate to the Second Continental Congress. As the presiding officer, he was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. After signing the document in an clearly identifiable fashion, he said, "The British ministry can read that name without spectacles; let them double their reward."

How old was george Walton when signed the declaration of independence?

he didnt

How many sighned the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence was signed approximately 32 years ago (the date being December 2, 2008). The Declaration of Independence was signed 32 years ago (today's date being December 2, 2008 and the date of the signing being July 4, 1776). ~ edited answer ~ As of 2010 it was 234 years ago when the The Declaration of Independence was sign on July 4, 1776.

Why did Thomas Jefferson write the declaration of independence instead of speaking it?

he didnt want to

What was the patriots point of view in the declaration of independence?

They agreed on it while the loyalist didnt

Was the declaration of independence the first to give women equal rights?

it didnt give women equal rights

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the declaration of independence?

There are no weaknesses but it was stong- yes the weakness is that it didnt address all rights of THE PEOPLE

What are strengths and weaknesses of the Declaration of Independence?

There are no weaknesses but it was stong- yes the weakness is that it didnt address all rights of THE PEOPLE

How did the Mayflower Compact influence the Declaration of Independence?

it didnt first of all idk second of all im sleepy

Did James McHenry sign the Declaration of Independence?

John Penn was a North Carolina signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was a successful lawyer and served on the Board of War, which gave him complete control over North Carolina's war effort. In this role, he was closely involved with the defeat of General Cornwallis and supplied Revolutionary War guerrilla fighters under the command of Frances Marion, the character played by Mel Gibson in the movie "The Patriot."

Did King George the III write the Declaration of Independence?

Yes,his mistakes in England made us draw up a document to make him stop the things we didnt agree with, after so we based our Declaration of Independence after the document and helped us work kinks out in our own government

What did Thomas Jefferson do for the US?

His Declaration of independance effected us today because if he didnt write that then we wouldn't have our freedom or our rights