

Who discover clouds?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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The Lighter Side of History

Ah, one of the greatest and most important discoveries of mankind, was made in 1129 by a French noble man by the name of Jean Luc Gaspar du Fondu Falubert. As a child Jean Luc was picked on relentlessly by his parents because of his proclivity for lazing about. It was his father who used to always say; "Sacre bleu!", (That's French, I'll translate the rest for you), "you weel never amount to anyting!." I left the accent in for the sake of authenticity. Poor Jean Luc could never just lie in the back yard of their mansion and suckle grass while staring up at the sky, so he had to wander the country side for a safe spot where he could dawdle. That's French for goof off. One day, while suckling a blade of grass while lying on his back in a country field near the South of France he noticed something he had never noticed before. It was the soft billowy formation of white puffs of atmosphere that Jean Luc called clouds. He had wondered why he never saw them before but just naturally assumed because he was never really given a chance by his family to dawdle at home, so he never had enough time to notice things such as clouds.

When Jean Luc got home that day, he took his father to task for never allowing him to admire the sky and demanded to know why his father had never told him about the clouds. "De what?" His father asked in genuine confusion. "You know, de soft beelowy poofs of atmoesphir!" Jon Luc shot back. "What soft beelowy poofs of atmosphir?" His father asked in genuine curiosity. Jean Luc took his father outside and showed him the clouds. His father was astonished to see these soft billowy puffs of atmosphere and wondered out loud why he had never seen them before. Jean Luc responded; "Proabably because your fadder never let you lie in the fields and look at de sky." Jean Luc's father nodded his head solemnly in agreement and with a little shame. He patted his son on the back and left to see the kings astronomers to see if they had any knowledge of clouds.

While at the kings court, Jean Luc's father demanded of the astronomers to explain why they had never made public the existence of clouds. "Of what?" asked the kings astronomer. "De clouds!" Jean Luc's father shot back. "De what?" The kings astronomer asked in genuine confusion, and so Jean Luc's father drug the astronomer outside and showed him the sky. "Sacre blue!" Exclaimed the kings astronomer. "Ow ees eet I ave never seen dis before?" Jean Luc's father responded: "Probably because your fadder never let you lie about and stare at the sky." The kings astronomer nodded his head solemnly and agreed with some shame. Then the astronomer patted Jean Luc's father on the back and left to inform the king.

Years later it was Marco Polo, known for the new and exotic prizes he brought back form China, who introduced clouds to Kublai Kahn. This is why Kublai Kahn gave Marco Polo all that macaroni. Later when Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue and came to the New World, he thought he would be giving the natives a gift by pointing out the clouds, but it seems the natives all ready knew about clouds and taught Columbus the fun and exciting game of finding clouds that look like animals. Columbus, while enjoying the game immensely was disappointed to find that what he thought was strictly a European discovery to be more universal. In fact, given this, it puts Jean Luc's discovery into question, and it very well may have been Dances with Two Feathers or Smiles with a Fist who first discovered clouds. But, as far as history is concerned, it was Jean Luc Gaspar du Fondu Flaubert.

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It is extremely hard the tell for the historians, but we know that Sumerians were the most developed community in Astrology after the "cavemen" term.

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