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The photo electric effect was explained by Einstein in 1905 when he theorized that light could transfer its energy like a particle and knock electrons out of metals. But the actual effect had been observed by a number of scientists since 1887, they just couldn't come up with a satisfactory theory that explained everything they observed. I believe he got the Nobel Prize for his photo electric effect theory, although he is more famous for his Relativity theories.

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What date did Einstein discover the breaking of atoms?

He Began He Reasearch In 1803 But Did Not Find His Answer Untill 1832 .

What is a battery electric vehicle?

A battery electric vehicle (BEV) is a type of electric vehicle that is powered solely by an electric motor and relies on rechargeable batteries for energy storage. It does not have an internal combustion engine like traditional gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles. Instead, BEVs use a large battery pack to store electricity, which powers the electric motor to propel the vehicle. BEVs produce zero tailpipe emissions and offer a clean and environmentally friendly transportation solution. Looking for a community of like-minded EV owners and enthusiasts? Look no further than Club Electric! Stay up-to-date with the latest EV news and updates, connect with other EV owners, and get answers to all your EV FAQs. We're your go-to source for everything EV in India!

What is the exact date the first air conditioner was invented?

In 1758 Benjamin Franklin and professor John Hadley discover that evaporation of alcohol and other volatile liquids, which evaporate faster than water, can cool down an object enough to freeze water. This eventually led to what we call air conditioning.

Did Isaac Newton come up with the theory of gravity?

There was no exact date. 5th of July 1687 was the sharpest date, which was the date of publishing of the "Principia". If you type into Google Principa Mathematica this is the calculus that he formulated to solve the mystery of gravity. I know it was in the 1600's but cannot remember the exact date. Olly

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