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Q: Who discovered passive transport in cells?
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What type of transport does not require energy?

passive transport does not need energy. And two types of passive tansport are osmosis and diffusion

There are two main ways in which molecules are transported into and out of cells - active transport and passive transport. Which of the following statements is true of passive transport?

Carrier proteins are sometimes used during passive transport.

Diffusion and osmosis are forms of what?

passive transport in and out of cells

The movement of materials through a cell membrane without using the cells energy?

It's called passive transport for a cell's membrane. (I checked with my science teacher)

Why do cells prefer to use passive transport instead of active transport?

there is no requirement of energy for this motion so it is a passive process

Whats the conclusion that passive transport is easier for cells to complete than active transport?

Active transport requires the cell to expend energy. However passive transport occurs because of a gardient.

What are the two general types of transport used by cells to transport materials in and out of the cell?

Active transport and passive transport.

Which type of transport is responsible for oxygen entering into blood cells?


Passive transport requires the cells own energy?

it is false or a no for this question

Why do plants use passive transport?

Passive transport is useful to all cells because it does not require the use of a cell's energy; this is of much benefit to the cell and organism.

Do eggs dissolving in vinegar represent active transport or passive transport?

I assume you're referring to the simple experiment where the shell is softened using vinegar (acetic acid) and then placed in water. Water moves into the egg cells via osmosis (passive transport) til the cells rupture Short answer: Passive (Osmosis)

What is meant by passive transport of material across a membrane?

"Passive" mean that it does not require energy, therefore the passive transport of material across the membrane means that it can transport the material (cells or whatever) without the function of energy across the membrane.