

Who discovered penicillen?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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14y ago

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he discovery of penicillin is usually attributed to Scottish scientist Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928.

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Q: Who discovered penicillen?
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When did Howard Florey invent Penicillen?

he did not invent it he just discovered his medical use but he discovered it in 1939>

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Who was first to discover penicillen?

Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming is credited with the discovery of penicillin in 1928. He observed that a mold called Penicillium notatum produced a substance that killed bacteria, leading to the development of the first antibiotic.

Can you take penicillen 2 years after exxpired?

Probably no :)

What year was the penicillen made in?

1995 by kirkland stoudimire

How much penicillen do you give a horse?

Depends on what you are treating them for

What infections can penicillin cure?

Penicillen is an antibiotic. This means it can only kills bacteria . It would be ineffective if you had a virus, like a cold or influenza. However, penicillen is only effective on organisms that have cell walls, as this it's their target. Luckily, this is the case for most bacteria. Penicillen is normally prescribed by your doctor.

What does penicillen do for you?

It kills the bad bactiria in your body with out it 40% of us would be dead

Should you give penicillen to a sheep with an infection?

Yes and no it depends on how great the infection is if it is a strong infection then no and if it is weak then yes

What is the past tense of discovered?

The past tense of "discovered" is "discovered."

Who discovered Saturn moons?

The first person to discover Saturn`s moons was Christian Huygens in 1655. The following moons discovered in order are: Titan Discovered:1655 Discovered by:Christian Huygens Iapetus Discovered:1671 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Rhea Discovered:1672 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Tethys Discovered:1684 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Dione Discovered:1684 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Enceladus Discovered:1789 Discovered by:William Herschel Mimas Discovered:1789 Discovered by:William Herschel Hyperion Discovered:1848 Discovered by:William Lassell Phoebe Discovered:1898 Discovered by:William Pickering Janus Discovered:1965-1966 Discovered by: Audouin Dollfus Epimetheus Discovered:1966 Discovered by:Richard Walker Helene Discovered:1980 Discovered by: Pierre Laques Telesto Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Bradford Smith Calypso Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Dan Pascu Prometheus Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Stewart Collins Pandora Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Stewart Collins Atlas Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Richard Terrile Pan Discovered:1981 Discovered by:Showalter Other astronomers:Kevin Beurile, Brett Gladman, Matthew Holman and others. If you want to see the rest, go to to see the article Timeline discovery of solar system planets and their moons.

When mural discovered?

The murals were discovered in 1928. The murals were discovered in 1928. The murals were discovered in 1928.