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i dont know i am asking you

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Q: Who discovered powers and exponents in math?
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Related questions

How do you change powers with negative exponents to powers with positive exponents?

by doing reciprocal

How are exponents and powers different?

They are not. Exponents, powers and indices are terms used for the same thing.

Where can you use exponents?

exponents can be found in math formulas and wen multiplying the same number. exponents can be found in math formulas and wen multiplying the same number.

How do exponents help in math?

Exponents can simplify very ugly math problems and their relation to logarithms makes them invaluable. FYI logarithms were invented before exponents.

Powers of 10 in math?

powers are exponents. ten to the zero power=100=1 ten to the first power=101=10 ten to the second power=102=100 etc.

Where do you find exponents in math?


Who found exponents and powers?


How did exponents change math?

Exponents did not change math, per se, math has always been the same. But the use of them has changed the way math is done. It has allowed mathematic formulas to be shortened and simplified.

When a negative exponent has no meanig but is introduced to complete the set of exponents?

It certainly has a meaning. It is only meaningless if you consider powers as repeated multiplication; but the "extended" definition, for negative and fractional exponents, makes a lot of sense, and it is regularly used in math and science.

What does it mean to multiply two powers having the same base and add the exponents?

This is one of the laws of exponents, which states that xa * xb = x(a+b) The base is x, and the two powers (or exponents) are a and b.

What is all the power and exponents 1-10?

All the powers and exponents of 1 are 1.The powers and exponents of any of the other numbers up to 10 are equivalent to the all the positive numbers - rational and irrational.

What is the definition for power in math term?

power in a math term is when you multiply the exponents