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the answer is Stanley Miller

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Stanley Miller and Harold Urey conducted the famous Miller-Urey experiment in 1953. They showed that organic molecules, including amino acids, could be produced from simple inorganic compounds under conditions simulating the early Earth's atmosphere.

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10y ago

Stanley Miller

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Q: Who discovered that a variety of amino acids and organic acids could be produced in the laboratory in a reducing atmosphere with electrical sparks?
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Who discovered Francium?

Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey in France in 1939. It is a highly radioactive element that is so rare that only small amounts are produced in laboratory settings.

Who first showed experimemtally that organic molecule might have formed in the atmosphere of early earth?

Stanley Miller and Harold Urey conducted the famous Miller-Urey experiment in 1953, showing that organic molecules could indeed be produced under conditions resembling the early Earth's atmosphere in a laboratory setting. They introduced a mixture of reducing gases (methane, ammonia, hydrogen) in a closed system and subjected it to electrical discharges to simulate lightning, leading to the formation of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.

What energy produced by the movement of electrons?

Electric energy is produced by the movement of electrons. When electrons flow through a conductor, such as a wire, they create an electric current which can be harnessed to power electrical devices. This movement of electrons is the basis for generating electricity in many everyday applications.

What kind of flame the best used in all laboratory?

The best flame for use in a laboratory is typically a blue flame produced by a Bunsen burner. This flame provides a consistent and controllable heat source with a high temperature suitable for a wide range of laboratory tasks.

When was Hydrogen discovered and by Whom?

Hydrogen was discovered by Henry Cavendish in 1766. He observed that hydrogen gas was produced when certain metals reacted with acids.

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What element was discovered in 1961 in the Lawrence laboratory?

The element Californium was discovered in 1950 in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California by a team led by Albert Ghiorso. It was named after the state of California and has atomic number 98.

Is neon only produced in a laboratory?

Neon is not only produced in a laboratory; it is one of the most abundant elements in the universe, mostly found in the Earth's atmosphere. It is extracted from the air through a process called fractional distillation. Neon gas is also used commercially in lighting, advertising signs, and various other applications.

Who discovered Francium?

Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey in France in 1939. It is a highly radioactive element that is so rare that only small amounts are produced in laboratory settings.

Does neon need to be refined if it is found in nature or is it made in the laboratory?

Neon is a rare gas in the Earth's atmosphere, but is found in the form of gas molecules with a single Neon atom. Neon would need to be refined from the air or produced in the laboratory.

Is lightning an example of electrical energy?

Yes, lightning is a natural example of electrical energy. It is produced by the discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere during a thunderstorm.

Is an Iliana diamond produced in a laboratory?


Explain how ultrasonic waves can be produced in the laboratory?

Ultrasonic waves can be produced in the laboratory using a device called an ultrasonic transducer. The transducer converts electrical energy into mechanical vibrations, which generate the ultrasonic waves. These waves can be used for various applications, including medical imaging, cleaning, and material testing.

How did miller and Urey model the conditions in earth's early atmosphere?

Miller and Urey modeled the conditions of Earth's early atmosphere by creating an experiment that simulated the atmosphere of primitive Earth. They used a mixture of gases like ammonia, methane, and water vapor, and subjected it to electrical discharges to simulate lightning. This experiment produced organic compounds, including amino acids, building blocks of life.

What is the English word for americium who discovered them and when did the discovery occurred?

The English word for americium is "americium". It was first (intentionally) synthesized in 1944 by a team at the University of California, Berkeley's Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, though some of the earlier experiments by the same laboratory had probably also produced small amounts of americium.

What is galvanism and when was it discovered?

Galvanism is a phenomenon of electricity produced by chemical action. It was discovered in the late 18th century by Luigi Galvani, an Italian physician and physicist, while experimenting with frog legs and electrical stimulation. This discovery laid the groundwork for the field of bioelectromagnetics.

What Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by making a study of?

mold novanet

Where is weather produced in the atmosphere?
