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The first person to observe this was Galileo who turned his telecope on Jupiter and discovered four moons going round it. That raised suspicions that other things might also not orbit the Earth, but proof did not come until many decades later after Newton's discoveries.

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Q: Who discovered that not all things revolved around the earth?
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What are some of Copernicus' discoveries and contributions?

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Both Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei said that the Earth revolved around the Sun. Many from their time believed the Sun revolved around the Earth.

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Galileo thought planets revolved around the sun because when he observed Jupiter, he noticed that its moons revolved around Jupiter and not earth. So everything else led up to that the Earth revolved around the sun.

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It is widely believe in western culture that Copernicus discovered that the Earth revolved around the sun in 1514, however, there is evidence, though no hard facts, to suggest that astronomers as far back as ancient Greece believed in a heliocentric model of our solar system.

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Galileo Galilei.