

Who discovered the rocotillo pepper?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Who discovered the rocotillo pepper?
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Related questions

Who discovered pepper?

Marco Pollo

What year did you discover pepper in?

Personally, I discovered pepper as a child, so it would have been about 1988.

Who discovered the molecular structure of pepper?

Pepper - as all the vegetables is a complex of many compounds; consequently no moleculear structure of pepper. Only a chemical substance has a molecular structure.

When was pepper discovered?

Probably by some chemical scientist. Otherwise, i don't have a clue.

What pepper can be deadly?

Like most "bad for you" things eating hot peppers such as the bhut jolokia chili pepper, also known as the ghost pepper, which is currently known as the hottest pepper in the world is not healthy if you eat too much. According to Dr. Paul Bosland, the man who discovered it, enough of this pepper in a short period of time (about 3 kilograms) can surely kill. Before that limit is reached contestants in pepper eating contests report extreme gastric distress compared with having a belly full of burning, running chainsaws. This leads to vomiting and general unhappiness. Pepper inflame the intestines and metabolism

In Ironman how did Virginia Potts get the nickname Pepper?

"Pepper" was a nickname bestowed upon her by Tony when they first met. While working in the secretarial pool she discovered a small error he made on an accounting document, and when she went to show him personally Tony's bodyguards did not want to let her into his office. She threatened to pepper spray them (though she really had none) to get inside. Amused by the obvious lie, Tony lets her in and looks at the mistake, hires her as his assistant on the spot, and calls her Pepper from then on.

How do you spell hot sauce in french?

"sauce piquante", although this traditional term also includes mustard and horseradish sauces, from before the hot pepper was discovered. "sauce au piment rouge" (red pepper sauce) would probably be better for the hot sauces such as habanero sauces.

Is a pimiento pepper a hot pepper?

Yes, a pimiento pepper is considered a hot pepper.

Is a pepper a seed enclosure?

Pepper enclosureYes indeed a pepper is a seed enclosure because the seeds in a pepper are closed in by the outside of the pepper.

What is a scorpion ghost pepper I can find what a ghost pepper is and a scorpion pepper but what is a scorpion ghost pepper?


What pepper is the hottest pepper to eat in the world?

Ghost pepper

What types of drpepper is there?

Dr. Pepper Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper Diet Dr. Pepper Caffeine Free Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Dr. Pepper Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper Caffeine Free Cherry Dr. Pepper Caffeine Free Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper Caffeine Free Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper Caffeine Free Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper Dr. Pepper Ten