

Who discovered the sandwich?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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11y ago

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An English gentleman, the Earl of Sandwich, gets credit for being the first person to ask for a piece of meat between two slices of bread. He wanted something he could hold in one hand to eat while continuing his card game (or so the story goes).
A georgian who's last name was sandwich

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James Cook discovered The sandwich Islands ( the hawiian islands) on november 7, 1728. lol and im 11 years old and i knew that! JAMES COOK

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When the Hawaiian islands were discovered by Captain Cook, he named them The Sandwich Islands after Earl Sandwich.

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The Sandwich Islands are now known by their original native name of Hawaii.

Who discover sandwich?

An English gentleman, the Earl of Sandwich, gets credit for being the first person to ask for a piece of meat between two slices of bread. He wanted something he could hold in one hand to eat while continuing his card game (or so the story goes).A georgian who's last name was sandwich

Who renamed the hawaiian islands the sandwich islands?

the british explorer captain james cook who 'discovered' Hawai'i (although you can't discover something that was already discovered), tried calling it that in an effort to 'own' discovery of it. However, you can't rename a country that already has a name so Hawai'i remained Hawai'i. It is technically only referred to as the sandwich islands, not renamed that. captain cook tried naming Hawai'i the sandwich isles (islands) after his sponsor who was the earl of sandwich.

What was the day Hawaii was explored?

Aloha. Answer: If you mean on what day was Hawai`i discovered, then it was 18 January, 1778. The islands were inhabited before that, so really, they were already discovered, but it was on that day that Captain James Cook brought them into English recognition. He didn't call them Hawai`i though. He called them the Sandwich Isles (named after a friend, the Earl of Sandwich).

Is discovered a main verb?

Discovered can be a main verbs, such as in "I discovered a staple in my tuna fish sandwich." However, it is not the main verb in "Many people falsely believe that Christopher Columbus discovered America" because believe is the main verb of that sentence.

Did Captain Cook discover Australia or Hawaii?

James Cook certainly did not discover Australia. He was the first European to discover Hawaii which, at the time, he named the Sandwich Islands after one of his sponsors, the Earl of Sandwich.

What did Captain James Cook discover and name in 1777?

In 1777 James Cook wasn't travelling.On his third (and last) voyage in January 1778 he discovered Hawaiian Islands. He named them the "Sandwich Islands" after the actual First Lord of the Admiralty, the fourth Earl of Sandwich.