

Who discovered the yamashita treasure?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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yamashita's treasure is discovered by

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Q: Who discovered the yamashita treasure?
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Where do you can find the yamashita treasure in the Philippines?

look in my mums house

Where do you can find the yamashita treasure?

U can find it here in davao city....

Summary of yamashita treasure?

it has been pulled out from the Philippines and brought to other countries

How deep was the Yamashita Treasure buried?

Most of the Japanese WWII burial sites in the Philippines are probably 90-120 feet deep.

Who discovered treasure?


Where the treasure of yamashita's can be found?

It's in the first distrit of Albay province, Philippines. At the foot of Mt. Mayon, the closest thing to Mt. Fuji.

Is there really a Yamashita treasure?

Yes, but is was found by the Soviet Union in 1964 and destroyed by Victor Gorbachev in 1980. Victor Gorbachev stated that the treasure was "too powerful for human hands" and "must be destroyed in order to keep humanity from destroying itself". Many historians believe that the Japanese were trying to destroy the treasure but failed.

What actors and actresses appeared in Itsutsugo ichinen - 1977?

The cast of Itsutsugo ichinen - 1977 includes: Taeko Yamashita as herself Hisako Yamashita as herself Satoko Yamashita as herself Yorimitsu Yamashita as himself Fukutaro Yamashita as himself

Who found Yamashita's treasure?

Yamashita's gold is the collective name given to the gold, platinum, jewellery and other precious items stolen by the forces of Japanese General Tomoyuki Yamashita which many treasure hunters believe is still concealed somewhere in the Philippines. General Tomoyuki Yamashita, is said to have ordered the concealment of the treasure as he retreated from US forces, breaking the treasure, said to have been carried on several trucks, into many smaller stashes that were hidden along the line of his retreat on the island Luzon, the bulk of the stashes are said to be concentrated in the mountainous area where Yamashita made his last stand against the invading US troops, before his eventual surrender on September 2, 1945. The gold and other valuables were stolen from East and Southeast Asia by Japanese forces during World War II and supposedly hidden in the Philippines. Many people believe the reports of hidden treasure to be an urban legend, but the theory has its supporters among some respected researchers and historians. There are still many treasure hunters who comb the Philippine countryside in search of the treasure. The gold is believed to have been anything from gold bullion to religious statues. The theory is that the treasure from Asia was to finance Japan's war effort. The treasure had to be transported from the continent back to Japan, via the sea. Most of the stolen treasure from South East Asia was first shipped to the port of Singapore, where it was then relayed to the Philippines. From the Philippines, it was intended, the treasure would be shipped to the Japanese home islands. However, as the Pacific War progressed, Allied submarines and aircraft took a heavy toll on Japan's shipping. The Japanese then took the treasure and hid it in caves and underground complexes throughout the Philippines, hoping to recover it after the war was over. However, many of those who knew of the locations of the loot were either executed or incarcerated for war crimes, including Yamashita. Thus, the whereabouts of the treasure were lost. Many years later, Filipino dictator Ferdinand Marcos claimed to have discovered the location of the treasure, and to have deposited it in secret bank accounts. These hoards are known collectively as the "Marcos gold". There is, however, a counter-allegation that Marcos invented the story, as a cover for his thefts from the Filipino national treasury. Also rumoured is that the Americans managed to find most of it and used to finance parts of the Cold War. A large and profitable treasure industry exists in many areas of the Philippines, these scams range from the selling of bogus Treasure Maps to gullible tourists becoming caught up in elaborate confidence tricks that can relieve would be investors of large sums of money.

Who was the famous Pharaoh whose tomb was discovered filled with treasure?

Tutankhamen's (aka, King Tut) tomb was discovered in 1922 and was loaded with treasure. He ruled in the 14th century BC

When was Norifumi Yamashita born?

Norifumi Yamashita was born in 1962.

When was Yoshiki Yamashita born?

Yoshiki Yamashita was born in 1960.