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Like many of today's great inventions, the microwave oven was a by-product of another technology. It was during a radar-related research project around 1946 that Dr. Percy Spencer, a self-taught engineer with the Raytheon Corporation, noticed something very unusual. He was testing a new vacuum tube called a magnetron, when he discovered that the candy bar in his pocket had melted. This intrigued Dr. Spencer, so he tried another experiment. This time he placed some popcorn kernels near the tube and, perhaps standing a little farther away, he watched with an inventive sparkle in his eye as the popcorn sputtered, cracked and popped all over his lab.

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Q: Who discovers how to cook food in a microwave?
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Can microwaves cook food from the inside out?

no the microwave can not cook food from the inside out.

How was the microwave used when originally invented?

The Microwave was used to cook food.

How does a microwave Owen work?

Hi there a microwave generates heat by making micro waves which cook our food by vibrating the particles and making them heat by rubbing togather.This makes the food cook from inside out .The microwave oven can also cook food like an oven by heating up the inside and no just the food.

Is it important to have a magnetron in a microwave?

The microwave cannot cook food without the magnetron that causes the food to heat up!

What food items or dishes can you cook in a microwave?


What is the recommended microwave wattage to cook food at?

It's recommended to cook at least at 800 Watts, but it depends on the food.

What are the benefits and risks of microwave radiation?

Benefit: It can cook your food. Risk: It can cook your eyes.

How does food cook in aluminium foil?

Yes just not in the microwave

What are all of the things that a microwave do?

cook all your food and heats it up and unthaws food

Which is safer a microwave or an oven?

An oven as it does not use radiation to cook food.

Which of these devices is primarily used to cook or heat food?

Microwave Oven

Why you need a code at microwave to reheat food?

A person doesn't often need to enter a code at a microwave if they want to reheat food. They simply program the microwave for how long they want the food to cook after they place the food inside.