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Q: Who displays delegative leadership?
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What is delegative leadership?

Delegative leadership is a form of leadership whereby the leader will delegate decision making to subordinates. This is considered to be an inclusive type of leadership.

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What are the 3 leadership styles?

Authoritarian(Autocratic), Participative(Democratic), Delegative(laissez- Faire)

What are the 3 main leadership styles?

Authoritarian(Autocratic), Participative(Democratic), Delegative(laissez- Faire)

What are the different leadership styles?

There are several leadership styles, each with its unique approach to guiding and motivating teams. Autocratic leadership involves making decisions independently, while democratic leaders involve team members in decision-making. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate through a compelling vision, while transactional leaders focus on tasks and rewards. Servant leaders prioritize the well-being of their team. Laissez-faire leaders provide autonomy to team members, and situational leaders adapt their style to specific situations. Charismatic leaders use their personal charisma to influence others. The choice of leadership style depends on the situation, organizational culture, and individual leadership preferences.

Which of the following leadership styles could be best characterized bybthe statement let George do it?

The leadership style that could be best characterized by the statement "let George do it" is delegative leadership. In this style, leaders give their team members full responsibility for making decisions and completing tasks, allowing them to take charge and be accountable for their own work. The leader trusts their team members' abilities and gives them the freedom to work independently.

Who is an example of a famous delegative leader and why?

Rudy Guliani, Charles Manson, Don Corelone & MacArthur

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Who is a delegative leader?

Rudy Guliani, Charles Manson, Don Corelone (ok, Marlon Brando as the "Don") Generals Patton & MacArthur

Who is a famous delegative leader?

Rudy Guliani, Charles Manson, Don Corelone (ok, Marlon Brando as the "Don") Generals Patton & MacArthur

Leadership is more or less important than management?

Leadership is not the most important. It is not also less important. It is like, "It is important but not to the extent that is it the most." In our daily lives, with different events and different context, a person's leadership should be flexible and the approach you should implement should differ. There's Authoritarian (Autocratic), where you decide what how the group should do things; Participative (Democratic), where you ask others their suggestions on what and how to do things; and Delegative (Laissez-Faire), where you let your team work things their own way with little or no guidance. In other times, leadership is not needed. Sometimes, it's Management that is necessary. If you already told your members what to do and how to do it, and they are not making it right or not making the way it is expected, Management is the appropriate approach. It [Management] is the guiding of people to do things the right way. This makes leadership not the most important and not the less important, too. They should go together to attain success with your goals. "Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things." - Peter F. Drucker

What happens when two gorillas fight for territory?

Two troops of gorillas avoid fighting ,fighting is preceded by displays . In case two gorillas are fighting for leadership , one may kill other .