

Who do Eastern Rite Catholics call the Theotokos?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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The Virgin Mary. Theotokos is a Greek word meaning the God Bearer or Mother of God.

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Q: Who do Eastern Rite Catholics call the Theotokos?
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Protestant people call her "Mary". Roman Catholics call her "Blessed Mother". Byzantine Catholics and the Orthodox call her "Theotokos, the Mother of God". In answer, Jesus's Mother said, "My Soul doth Magnify the Lord".

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This is called, in Greek, the Theotokos, and Roman Catholics would usually call it an image or statue of the Mother of God or the Madonna.

Can Eastern Rite Catholics be called Roman Catholics?

Catholics who belong a Church that uses one of the several Eastern Rites can be considered "Roman" Catholics in the sense that their Church is fully and totally in communion with the Bishop of Rome--the Pope. However, they do not use the Latin or Roman Rite (liturgy, theology, practice, etc.), instead using their own Rite. So, if they are being called "Roman Catholics" because they truly are united with the Pope, then perhaps yes; however, it is not accurate to call them "Roman Catholics" when making reference to their membership in their own particular Catholic Church (and they may indeed object to being referred to as "Roman Catholics"). In that case, it is more accurate to refer to them as Maronite Catholics, or Ukrainian Greek Catholics, or Chaldean Catholics, or Coptic Catholics, etc., depending upon which eastern Catholic Church they belong to; "Roman Catholic" would then refer to "western" Catholics who use the Latin or Roman Rite.Roman Catholic AnswerActually all Catholics are "Roman" Catholics even though the word "Roman" is not normally used. The word Roman came into use in English speaking countries in the last several hundred years and just refers to the fact that the Pope is in Rome, it does NOT refer to the Latin Rite. All different rites of the Church are Roman. The term Roman was originally used to be offensive, it is not strictly correct, I usually use it to differentiate from all the other churches who are now calling themselves Catholic, like the Polish National Catholics, the Old Rite Catholics, the Anglo-Catholics, the Society of St. Pius X Catholics, the Orthodox Catholics, etc. .Eastern Rite Catholics are every bit as much Catholics as Latin Rite Catholics:1203 The liturgical traditions or rites presently in use in the Church are the Latin (principally the Roman rite, but also the rites of certain local churches, such as the Ambrosian rite, or those of certain religious orders) and the Byzantine, Alexandrian, or Coptic, Syriac, Armenian, Maronite, and Chaldean rites. In "faithful obedience to tradition, the sacred Council declares that Holy Mother Church holds all lawfully recognized rites to be of equal right and dignity, and that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way." (Sacrosanctum concilium 4)

What Countries are Byzantine Catholic?

There are no countries where Eastern Catholics are a majority. Generally in Europe, what we call "Byzantine Catholics" in the US are called "Greek Catholics." They are sizable in Ukraine, especially Western Ukraine. The Greek Catholic Church is a minority faiths in Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, the Serbian region of Vojvodina and Croatia. There are historic Greek Catholic churches in Lebanon and modern-day Israel. But many Mid-Eastern Greek Catholics have left their homeland.

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A version of Christianity they call Roman Catholicism.