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Q: Who do Muslims greet during their prayers?
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What does Muslims do during prayers?


What do Muslims do when gathered to worship?

The question already includes the answer: Muslims gather to worship (pray or during Hajj or pilgrimage).Muslims don't gather in worshipping places to plan for something or make rare actions, they just pray the way which is well known, they also greet each others after the end of prayers, then go home.

How many daily prayers do Muslims have?

Five prayers.

What is taraweeh?

Taraweeh are special prayers by Muslims in which long portions of the Quaan are recited during the month of Ramadan

Who calls Muslims for prayers?


What is Tarawih Prayers?

Tarawih prayers are special prayers performed by Muslims during the Islamic month of Ramadan. They are optional prayers that are usually performed in congregation at night after the obligatory night prayer (Isha). The Tarawih prayers consist of a series of units of prayer known as rak'ahs, and are meant to seek spiritual rewards and blessings during the holy month of fasting.

Can Muslims be present during christian prayers?

It depends on who it is, most wouldn't mind because they both believe in god and stuff like that, but some Muslims might not want to, but i guess it is OK to.

What is the building Muslims use for prayers?

a mosque

Muslims must face what to pray?

Muslims face Ka'aba in Mecca to preform Salat (prayers).

What do Muslims do if there prayers are unanswered?

they will hope and hope and there prayers might come true just hope and hope

Why do Muslims say there prayers in Arabic?

because they believe that Allah spoke Arabic. Muslims say their prayers in Arabic because Quran was sent in Arabic and began in the Arabic Gulf.

What does the Kaaba represent to Muslims?

Ka'abah is the House of Almighty Allah (God). It was built by Hazrat Abraham as and Hazrat Ismail as. Muslims face Ka'abah while offering their prayers. They go round it during Hajj or Umrah.