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Q: Who do penguins use their wings?
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Why dont penguins use their wings to fly any more?


Do penguins have fingers?

No. Penguins are birds, and birds do not have fingers. Penguins have wings, which they use like flippers, and they have webbed feet.

What are penguins wings called?

The wings of a penguin are actually called flippers. They use them to swim and propel themselves through water. Penguins can not fly.

Why do penguins need their wings?

Like a plane, it has wings for balance through the pressure, same with penguins. they're not actually wings they're flippers, they use them for prepulsion and balance in the ocean when swimming.

Which bird's wings are used for swimming instead of flying?

Penguins are the birds that use their wings as flippers.

Why did penguins' wings become so feeble?

While the wings of penguins are modified and no no longer useful for flight in air, they are NOT feeble. They ARE superbly adapted to flight in a different medium, that of water. Penguins use them to fly through water with GREAT efficiency.

Why do penguins have wings if they don't fly?

First of all penguins do not fly put they have wings. That is basic. But why do they not fly? Here is the answer. You may think that penguins never use that part of there body but they actually do. The wings that you think are wings are actually flippers that help the penguin swim. I hope your question is answered!

The 'wings' are not for flying What are they used for?

Penguins use them for steering through the water.

What are the penguins hands called?

It is a flipper, which is a modified wing that penguins use to swim underwater.

What features do penguins share with other birds?

Penguins have feathers, wings and a beak. Penguins lay eggs and feed their babies.

What do Pegiuines use their wings for?

Penguins use their wings to help propel themselves through the water as they swim (think flippers). They also use their wings,along with their tails, to help them maintain their balance on land.

Who will win the Stanley cup penguins or red wings?

Penguins won