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Q: Who do the Portuguese people pray to for the sick?
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On what day do Catholics remember to pray to the sick?

.Catholic AnswerCatholics do not pray to the sick, they pray FOR the sick all the time.

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What day do Catholics pray for the sick?

.Catholic AnswerThere really is not special day, Catholics pray for the sick every day.

What day do Catholics remember and pray especially for those who are sick?

Catholics pray for the sick every day, there is no special day reserved for this.

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You can pray for the sick, collect holy water for the sick and housebound and you can leave a prayer in writing.

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Is Bishop Larry Trotter sick?

No He isn't just pray for him.

What does the parish do when there is a sick person in there community?

If he or she is sick,then the parish would call a priest to anoint him and pray for him for his healing.

How do you say pray in Portuguese?

Rezar, orar. (both have the same meaning) Prayer : oração.

What is 'ora' when translated from Italian Portuguese and Spanish to English?

"Now" is an English equivalent of the Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish word ora. The adverb also may be found in the same spelling but with the different use as the present imperative "Pray!" or the present indicative "He (one, she) prays" in Portuguese and Spanish or "You pray" in Cariocan Portuguese. Regardless of meaning or use, the pronunciation will be "O-ra" in Italian and Spanish and "O-ruh" in Cariocan and continental Portuguese.

What did the Portuguese who discovered ipecac call it?

They found a plant that can make people vomit and appropriately named it Cephalis ipecacuanha, meaning sick-making plant.

What is the plural of Portuguese?

The plural of Portuguese is Portuguese people or Portuguese speakers.