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Electoral votes in the Electoral College determine the President of the United States. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for.

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Q: Who do the people vote for to in turn cast the votes for a presidential candidate?
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How did Colorado vote in the 2004 and 2000 presidential Election?

In both the 2000 and 2004 Presidential election, all of Colorado's electoral votes were cast for the Republican candidate, George W. Bush.

Who do the people vote for to turn in their cast vote for the presidential candidate?

The Electoral College

Who do the people vote for in turn cast their vote for a presidential candidate?

The Electoral College

Who becomes president if the president dies before he starts his term?

If this should happen, the electoral college would most likely cast their votes for the vice-presidential candidate of the dead winning candidate.

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counting the electoral votes that were cast in the presidential election

How are state electors chosen during presidential election's?

The party of each candidate selects a slate of state electors. It is these people we actually vote for when we cast a ballot for president, not the candidate. The slate with the most votes gets to cast electoral votes for the President. Although each elector is sworn to vote for a specific candidate, there is no control on how they can vote and occasionally there is a "faithless" elector who crosses his party either by mistake or on purpose.

How many electoral votes must a canidate win to be elected president?

A Presidential candidate must obtain 270 Electoral Votes (the vote cast in the electoral college of the U.S. by the representatives of each state in a presidential election) to be elected President of the United States.

What are votes cast by individual voters in the presidential election?

Votes cast by individual voters in the presidential election are their way of expressing their choice for the candidate they want to see become the next president. Each voter has the opportunity to select their preferred candidate by marking their ballot on Election Day or submitting it through mail-in or early voting methods. These individual votes are then tallied and used to determine the winner of the election.

How many votes did Pennsylvania have in the last presidential election?

Pennsylvania cast 6,013,272 votes in the 2008 presidential election, translating into 21 electoral votes which were cast for Barack Obama (D).

What US Presidential candidate died before the election results had been cast?

In the U.S. presidential election of 1872, Horace Greeley, the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee, died 24 days after the casting of the popular votes and 17 days before the casting of the electoral votes. If he had survived the election, based on the November election results, even with 100% of the votes from each of the states he won he would have gotten a total of only 18.7% of the votes.

How many popular votes did Illinois get?

About 5.5 million votes were cast in the 2008 Presidential election.

How many votes did Texas have?

Texas had 8,077,073 votes cast in the 2008 presidential election, which translated into 34 electoral votes.