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People who lie because liars are the base of all evil.

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Q: Who do you blame for evil in the world and why?
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Who did the Greeks blame for the existence of evil?

The Greeks blame women for the existence of evil Two examples of this are seen with the stories of Adam and Eve and Pandora's Box.

Why are wasps in the world?

Wasps are not sentient therefore they cannot be evil.

Why is Adam to blame for evil acts?

adam and eve are not responsible for evil acts committed by their offspring, they only introduced evil to the human bloodline by eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Why do people blame the devil for evil?

Because they refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions.

Who did the egyptians blame when disease struck?

they blamed the pharaoh

How do you determine who was to blame for world war 1?

The Germans were to blame

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Who is to blame for World War I?


How old was Ptolemy Caesar when he died?

He was 22 when he died. Well his mother was evil so I don't blame the Octavian army.

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What is natural and moral evil is?

Natural evil is disasters, obstacles, and death by natural causes, whereas moral evil is when evil arises from an intelligent, conscious being such as by humans. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, incurable diseases are examples of natural evils. Moral evil is acting, or failing to act in a way that does not support good. If a bullet kills a person it is still the human who pulled the trigger who is to blame, and is therefore a moral evil. Some believe that natural evil is proof against the existence of a higher power such as God. Others believe that natural evil is just a higher power's way of keeping the world in balance through a cycle of life and death.