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Antigone blames her misfortune on the curse that has plagued her family, the House of Labdacus, due to the sins of her ancestors. She also blames the unjust laws imposed by King Creon that prevented her from burying her brother. She sees her fate as inevitable due to these external forces.

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Q: Who does Antigone blame her terrible misfortune?
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What does Antigone accuse Ismene?

Ismene wouldn't help Antigone bury the body of their brother, but when Antigone is caught she won't let Ismene take any of the blame because she was loyal to the law and not to her family.

Does the chorus blame just Antigone for her troubles in 'Antigone'?

No, the chorus does not blame just Antigone for her troubles in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the chorus characterizes Theban Princess Antigone as foolish and reckless. They describe her as uncontrolled and wild, like her father, disgraced Theban King Oedipus. But they also mention that she is the cursed daughter of cursed parents and the cursed descendant of the cursed Theban royal house of Labdacus.

Who does the choral leader compare Antigone to in her scene with Creon?

In the Greek play Antigone by Sophocles, the choral leader (Senator 1) compares Antigone to her father and half-brother, Oedipus."Lo you, the spirit stout of her stout father's child-- unapt to bend beneath misfortune!"

Can you give me a sentence for blame?

Would guilty be any help? Ex. You are the one to blame. You are the one guilty.

Whom does Creon blame in the end for Antigone's death?

Creon blames himself for Antigone's death. He also blames himself for his wife Eurydice death and his son Haemon's death as well .

Did King Creon kill Antigone?

Not in a literal way, no. He still is to blame for her suicide. Should he left Antigone be after her appropriate burial of her brother, she would never had chosen death as an escape that she would not be facing.

What does Antigone say that her sister has no right to do in 'Antigone'?

That Ismene has no right to share in the blame or the punishment is what Antigone says in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone deliberately breaks a royal edict that honors god-given rights to a below-ground burial for her brother Eteocles but denies them to her brother Polyneices. She asks Ismene for help in burying Polyneices and is turned down. At her trial and sentencing, she announces that she alone deserves punishment since Ismene is innocent of being an accessory to a crime for which she therefore deserves neither blame nor punishment.

Whom does Antigone blame for her terrible misfortune?

Antigone makes one direct and two indirect accusations of blame for her terrible misfortune. The direct accusation is placed upon her dead brother Polyneices. For example, she sighs, 'Alas, my brother, ill-starred in thy marriage, in thy death thou hast undone my life'. She also specifies, 'And now, Polyneices, 'tis for tending thy corpse that I win such [deadly] recompense as this'.Her uncle, Theban King Creon, issues a decree that contradicts the will of the gods and the traditions of Thebes' citizens. He refuses to allow proper funerary procedures for those Thebans who in dying betray their city. Antigone therefore is faced with the sorrowful decision of whether to see that the corpse of the disloyal Polyneices gets the same god guaranteed funerary treatment as that of his loyal twin brother, Eteocles. But equal treatment of loyalists and traitors carries an automatic death sentence.Indirectly, Antigone also blames her family background and the underworld gods. For example, she suggests that her miserable fate may be linked to her descent from the god cursed Theban King Labdacus whose granddaughter and great granddaughter she is. She likewise suggests a cursed fate due to her incestuous descent from Theban King Oedipus, who is her father; and from Theban Queen Jocasta, who is both her mother and her grandmother.Antigone blames too the will of the gods. She finds irony in her passionate defense of god given rights and rituals. Specifically, she describes herself as being sentenced to death precisely because she refuses to disrespect the underworld realm of the gods of death, in Hades.

What is the chorus' reaction to Antigone's plight in her final scene in 'Antigone'?

That she is to blame for her own predicament is the chorus' reaction to Antigone's plight in her final scene in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the chorus reminds Theban Princess Antigone of her own choices. They say that respect for the gods is important, but does not entail offense to royal rulers. They state that Antigone's willful spirit and uncontrolled passion put her on the road to her death by live burial.

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annoyance, bad trip, bummer, disappointment, disaster, downer, drag, irritation, misfortune

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