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As 'Jehovah' is recognized by many to be God himself then one can only assume Jehovah worships no one.

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Q: Who does Jehovah worship?
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What do Jehovahs witness worship?

Jehovah's Witnesses worship the God of the bible; they identify him as Jehovah the Almighty Creator of the Universe.

Why must Jehovah witnesses worship their human organisation?

they don't they worship Jehovah god hence Jehovah witnesses. If you don't believe that gods name is Jehovah look up the scripture at psalms 83:18 in your bible

Do Jehovah witnesses use intrumental music in worship?

Its is considered a form of worship. Yes they do

Where is Jehovah's witness house of worship?

Kingdom Halls

What do Jehovah's witnesses do in th hall of worship?

Jehovah's witnesses study the bible using various bible-based publications in their hall of worship known as kingdom halls.

Do Jehovah Witnesses wear crusifixes?

No. Jehovah's Witnesses do not wear crosses which they view as symbols of pagan worship.

How did the Jehovah dress?

Jehovah is spirit and for that same reason he wants us to worship him with spirit and truth (John 4:24)

Do Jehovahs Witnesses Worship the same God as other religions?

Quite frankly, we would never claim to worship the 'same God'. It's true, that all religions in Christendom 'CLAIM' to worship the Creator. But a 'claim' is just that - it's only 'a claim'. Because then they DEFINE God with a personality which is 'Anti-Jehovah God'. 'Mainstream' religions teach that the Creator has actually created a place of 'ETERNAL TORMENT'. Not only do they believe that he 'created' it; but they teach their masses, that he actually makes sure they are 'tormented' there; -- ETERNALLY at that. By their own mouth, this is the god they worship. Thus Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT worship the same God as other religions worship. We DISTANCE ourselves from them. We would NEVER want to stand 'side-by-side' with them in such worship. To teach that Jehovah God is like they picture him; is repulsive to us; it is crude; it is cruel. We consider such a god as a sadistic god. It is an 'anti-Jehovah' concept of him; the antithesis of what Jehovah is all about. Jehovah's Witnesses worship only Jehovah God. He is described in the Bible as LOVE; Compassion; merciful; kindly. Us humans would NEVER condone 'tormenting' a disobedient person. We would call the authorities to put a stop to such 'torment'. IF us humans would not permit 'torment' - then certainly Jehovah God would not. He has more LOVE than we do. He has MORE Compassion, than we have. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they worship 'Jehovah' God and believe that all other religions worship 'Satan'. '' the ultimate object of false religion is Devil worship'' Watchtower 1st Dec '91 page 9.

Where do Jehovah's witness go to worship their god?

A kingdom hall is a name used for a meeting place for Witnesses to go and worship.

Are Jehovah's witnesses free to worship in Iran?

It depends on what you mean by "free to worship". Will Jehovah's Witnesses be arrested for praying in Iran? -- No. They can assemble and pray without fear that someone will take them away. Can Jehovah's Witnesses build churches, proselytize, and openly discuss their faith with non-Christian Iranians? -- No. Jehovah's Witnesses can do none of these things in Iran.

Why do Jehovah's witnesses not sing national anthem?

The pledge to the flag/the national anthem..are considered to be acts of worship to a country. Jehovah's Witnesses follow the Bible's admonition to worship only our Creator. This is the first of the ten commandments.

Are there windows in a Jehovah's witness church?

Jehovah's Witnesses typically use the term "Kingdom Hall" to refer to their place of worship, which are their gathering places for worship and religious activities. Kingdom Halls typically have windows and are designed to be simple places for congregation members to focus on worship and community.