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Q: Who does Odysseus tell Athena he is?
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She does

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Athena protects him.

What does Athena tell telemachus to do?

To find his dad, Odysseus.

What did Athena do for the beggar Odysseus?

Athena disguised Odysseus so no one will recognize him.

Which goddess helps Odysseus?

Athena helps Odysseus as well as Telemachus

What does Athena instruct Odysseus he must tell telemachus?

Athena instructs Odysseus to reveal his true identity to Telemachus and to join forces with him to plan the downfall of the suitors in their home. She advises Odysseus to act cautiously and patiently in order to ensure their success.

Why did Athena treat Odysseus?

She treated Odysseus very well. Without Athena, Odysseus would not have made it home.

Why did Athena favor Odysseus?

Athena was one of the main gods of Ithaca. Odysseus prayed to Athena and eventually befriended her. Athena trusts Odysseus enough to let him see her, unlike other mortals.

Who must Odysseus consult to learn his destiny?

Odysseus talk to athena and athena tells him

What does Athena tells Odysseus?

Athena tells Odysseus to keep his identity a secret until he is ready to kill the suitors. Athena also helps to disguise Odysseus as a beggar.

How does Athena tell Odysseus himself when he returns home?

In the epic poem "The Odyssey," Athena disguises herself as a mentor named Mentes to inform Odysseus of the situation at home and guide him in his return. She reveals herself to Odysseus in his palace in Ithaca after he has arrived back from his long journey.

Who is Odysseus?
