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Boo Radley (Ch 19)

Scout thinks Mayella Ewell is the loneliest person in the world. Mayella Ewell was even lonelier than Boo Radley, who had not been out of the house in twenty five years.

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Q: Who does Scout think Mayella Ewell is lonelier than?
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Why does scout think mayella Ewell is lonelier than Boo Radley?

Boo Radley (Ch 19) Scout thinks Mayella Ewell is the loneliest person in the world. Mayella Ewell was even lonelier than Boo Radley, who had not been out of the house in twenty five years.

Who doe Atticus think beat Mayella up?

Her father, Bob Ewell.

Who did Atticus suggest hurt Mayella?


How does Scout come to see Mayella in the book To Kill a mockingbird?

i think scout sees her as a lonely girl

Why does scout think mayella must have been lonely?

Scout thinks that Mayella must be the loneliest person in the world because Mayella describes in her testimony her lack of friends and people her own age to talk to. Mayella wasn't just alone, though, she clearly yearned for companionship, so Scout believed she must be very lonely.

Is Mayella a typical Ewell?

Mayella Ewwll is not a typical Ewell in the sense that she was able to be affectionate to Tom Robinson. She was bullied by her father into a false testimony at the court case; I do not think that her siblings would be as easy to manipulate as she was, showing she is not a strong-minded person.

How would you write a research paper about To Kill a Mockingbird?

I think it'd be interesting to write about Bob Ewell and Mayella Ewell For example, what was the culture that made them so racist? What is it like for a girl to come of age in a town where Black men are so demonized? What made Mayella try to entice Tom Robinson, and why did Bob Ewell think it was okay to beat her--then blame Tom for it?

Who does atticus think pulled bob Ewell off scout?

boo radly

In To Kill a Mockingbird chap 18-24 what does mayella think of Atticus?

In those chapters, Mayella Ewell's thoughts about Atticus Finch are complex. While she falsely accuses him of assaulting her in court, it is implied that she may feel conflicted about him due to his respectful demeanor towards her during the trial. Mayella comes from a difficult home situation and may have mixed feelings about Atticus, who treats both her and her father, Bob Ewell, with dignity and respect.

What does Scout believe the reason to be for Atticus making Bob Ewell write his signature?

Scout believes that Atticus made Bob Ewell write his signature to prevent him from getting any sort of compensation for the lawsuit Ewell had filed. Atticus wanted to prove that Ewell was illiterate and lying about the assault, reinforcing his defense of Tom Robinson.

What does Atticus ask mr Ewell to do while on the witness stand?

Atticus asks Mr. Ewell to write his name to show the court his dominant hand, as he is trying to prove that Mr. Ewell could have been the one to harm his daughter, Mayella. This questioning helps to establish doubt about Mr. Ewell's credibility and the events surrounding the case.

What is a chiffeurobe as mentioned by Mayella Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird?

I think it's spelled CHIFFAROBE. Anyway, it's like a cupboard. Basically, wood.