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Q: Who does a groin kick hurt more boys or girls?
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Do girl soccer players kick further than boys?

No, the majority of boys would kick the ball further than girls.

How do you do a groin kick?

just raise your leg and strike at the groin with the bottom of your leg. drive the knee of your kicking leg foward. the groin kick is effective

How did boys like girls start?

when hormones kick in and they start to like the girls on tv in bakinis

Why do girls like to kick boys balls?

it is the weak spot in a male human

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Why do girls like to kick boys in the balls?

because boys love it. it gets them horny. because, it makes them feel like they have power. Additional answers. Girls kick boys in the groin as a sense of power. If a boy gets too over bearing, it might be one of their only defenses to give them a shot to the balls. Boys don't love it, like was written. I am a boy - trust me. It definitely doesn't make me horny and a direct hit or kick hurts like hell. Girls should do it as a last resort. Girls should do it, if it makes them feel good. It certainly cheers me up and it is very fun and pleasurable for both girls and boys. OK its not pleasurable for boys at all! It hurts like hell. I seriuosly do not know what the hell ur talking about. Maybe it is pleasurable for girls but not at all for boys. It's pleasurable for a lot of boys and men, but not all. More and more boys all over the world are liking it now. It's a growing trend. Lots of boys, especially age 13-20 are asking and begging girls to kick, knee or punch their balls. Boys even enjoy doing it to each other and they play games like roshambo, last man standing , and nut tap. Women get paid to do it professionally. They're called Doms and men pay them to kick, knee, squeeze, and stomp their balls. Hurting males in their balls has become a very big widespread activity that's happening with males and females, and it's getting bigger. Girls are kicking their boyfriends in the balls and wives are kicking their husbands in the balls and boyfriends and husbands are asking them to do it regularly.

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a kick in the groin

Do boys do better in science than girls?

Absolutely not! I'm a girl and I kick as* in science. Let's be serious, girls brains are more developed therefore smarter

How do you kick yourself in the groin?

Spread your legs slightly apart. Lift one foot into hand; holding in front of body. While maintaining balance. With foot in hand throw or kick hard off the hand towards the groin. Now you have just kicked yourself in the groin.

How do you give yourself a Bangkok wedgie?

Do a normal wedgie and after that kick yourself in the groin

Why do girls get more hormonal than boys?

Some may tend to doubt that. Different hormones, different reactions-- but boys can and do get mindbogglingly hormonal, and it starts to really kick in at adolescence.

Was it right for karate instructor to let girl with higher belt kick boy in groin?

no. If the instructor wanted to do that he should have let the girl kick him himself