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Q: Who does john want to kill in Indian killer?
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BAD idea. You don't want to kill the very plants you want to keep that are infested with bugs, right? Weed killer is meant to kill PLANTS and Bug killer is meant to kill BUGS. There's a reason why their sold separately, and not mixed together!!

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Although this might not be the answer you want, there is no shadow killer in Sacred Stones. If you mean a weapon to kill dark creatures, there are a lot of them. But nothing called a Shadow Killer.

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As a service to the Confederacy.

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The Indian python got endangered because people think that they are dangerous and want to kill them. They also think that their habitat is waste land so they destroy it.

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Sasuke doesn't really kill Orochimaru in Shippuden, if that's what you're asking. The real killer is in Chapter 392. Don't want to give any spoilers. Starts at 383.

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It made many of them angry and want to kill the culprit. But some fought for their independence after the even.

How Pocahontas was sincere?

she loved john so much when her dad tried to kill him she told him,"If you kill him you have to kill me to." To tell your own dad you have to kill me if you want to kill this guy means a lot. If you don't understand this watch the Disney Pochohantas movie.