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A mariachi group.

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Q: Who does one hire to serenade someone in Mexico?
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Could you give me some examples of serenade?

An example of serenade is when someone does something to impress someone else, and does something such as writing or playing a song for them. This is often done in a romantic way while one person plays the song for the other person, or a band can be used to serenade.

Where can a person hire an eurocar?

There are many places in which someone will be able to hire a eurocar, one method of doing this is by going online to the eurocar website where someone will be able to successfully hire a eurocar. If not then someone can hire a eurocar at a eurocar stall, many of these stalls are located at or near an airport.

How do you become a tutor on high school hero?

You are already a tutor. You have to wait for someone to hire you, or you can hire people and maybe one of them will hire you in return.

How can one hire for outplacement?

You can hire for outplacement by writing and submitting a job advertisment to places that advertise for jobs. Then you can hire someone from the people that contact you.

Where can one hire a car at the Cardiff airport?

Someone can hire a car at Cardiff airport through many different companies. This includes Europcar, Airport Car Hire Onilne and Blue Wheels. Someone can also rent a car to personal use.

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There are many places where one can hire a tax lawyer in California. One can hire a tax lawyer in California by visiting popular on the web sources such as Tax Lawyers Group and Bank Rate.

Where could someone hire a car in Faro Portugal?

One can hire a car in Faro, Portugal at a the Europ car for hire agency. One can also rent a car in Faro at Farocar, Economy Car Rentals and Amoita as well.

Could people get out of their daft in civil war by sending someone in their place?

yes, it was possible, but only the rich were able to do that to hire someone to go to war for them because the cost to hire one was very expensive

Where can someone have their portrait drawn in robo form?

There are people who one can hire to sketch one as a robot. On the website for Fiverr one can hire one of many artists to drawn one's portrait in robo form for only five dollars.

Should I hire someone to remove my bedroom paint?

You do not need to hire someone to remove your bedroom paint. It is pretty easy to remove the bedroom paint yourself. There are many do it yourself books if you choose to use one.

Where can one hire property comsultants?

Someone can hire property consultants from a number of companies online such as LeaseGR. The website LeaseGR provides property consultancy services for businesses.

Who is john Joseph vesely?

he is a one man band of secondhand serenade