

Who does the plague effect?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It effect almost everyone in england.

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Q: Who does the plague effect?
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Why did the bubonic plague have an effect on Europe?

It killed everyone...

How did the plague effect labor?

Black Death Plague killed half of world's population. So it affected very negatively.

What effect did the Black Plague have against the world?

It killed a lot of people.

Are there any longterm effect of bubonic plague?

Yes. Death, which is permanent.

What three continents did the black plague effect?

Europe Africa Asia

How did the plague effect Europe religiously?

Religious people thought that the plague was sent by God as a punishment for sin. Because of all the widespread death due to the whole plague Religious people found it diffeicult to gain trust in their religion because of the death. It did effect Europe in a reasonably large way. However one thing that was not hindered by the plague was the Pope who locked him self in locked quaters. He did not catch either plague.

How did the Black Death effect children's games?

because the plague was so deadly

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Did the plague effect England only?

The Black Death plague pandemic effected the whole of Europe, with an estimated 100 million killed between 1350 and 1400.

What was the effect of the sixth plague of Egypt?

Boils(a deep a big pimple.)

What was an effect of the plague of Europe?

Black Death changed Europe. Both economically and socially.