

Who eats a lion fish?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The grouper is one of the lion fish's predators, another is larger lion fish.

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Q: Who eats a lion fish?
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Which fish eats a lionfish?

Grouper and other Lion Fish.

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Not many fish eat the garibaldi. The California Sea Lion eats it. I don't know how it eats it because the Garibaldi live about 100 feet under the water. Sharks eat my fish too, but what don't sharks eat? The California Moray Eel also eats this fish.

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What is an example of a primary consumer and a secondary consumer?

Primary consumer would be a cow that ate grass, secondary consumer would be the lion that ate the cow that ate the grass. Primary consumer is the fish that eats algae, secondary consumer is the barracuda that eats the fish that ate the algae. It expands to tertiary consumers as well, which would be the shark that ate the barracuda that ate the fish that ate the algae.

What is a predator in food chains?

something that can eat a consumer like a cougar like when a teacher eats kids and like when a fish gets eaten by a bear when a lion eats a deer