

Who eats and kills cats?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Who eats and kills cats?
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a predator can be prey, for example cats eat birds and cayotes eat cats for example a cat eats birds and cayotes eat cats A predator is an animal that hunts its prey, kills it and eats it. Prey is that which predators hunt, kill and eat. A snake eats mice, therefore it is a predator but an eagle eats snakes, therefore the snake is now a prey.

An animal that kills and eats another animal?

Energy is derived from food. So any animal that kills and eats another obtains energy. Such as lions, tigers, bears dogs, cats, they are all know as carnivores, flesh eating mammals

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The eagle kills but is not able to fly away with it. It is to heavy so he kills it then leaves.

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A tiger hunts down and kills other animals, then eats their flesh. Since that is the basic definition of a carnivore, the tiger is classified as such.

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Hunts it, kills it, eats it

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An organism that kills and eats all or part of another organism is called a carnivore.

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